项目名称: 复杂应力状态下混凝土强度细观机理及其代表体定量研究
项目编号: No.51309203
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 水利工程
项目作者: 王娟
作者单位: 郑州大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 代表体作为将细观研究结果应用于宏观的最小体元,是细观力学研究的基础。目前关于代表体的研究多集中于材料的弹性性能的研究,而对于混凝土材料强度代表体尺寸的研究较少。本申请项目拟结合数值模拟和试验方法,在细观层次上研究混凝土强度机理,采用统计分析方法确定在复杂应力条件下混凝土的代表体。采用细观试验方法研究混凝土内部初始微裂纹分布,建立更加符合混凝土真实结构的复杂应力条件下强度细观计算模型。结合数值模型与细观材料性能试验的研究结果,建立混凝土组成、结构和性能之间的联系。统计分析混凝土强度数值模拟结果,提出复杂应力条件下混凝土强度代表体的确定方法。分析混凝土宏观强度和细观结构之间的定量关系,建立强度代表体与细观组分之间的联系,搭建混凝土研究的多尺度平台。课题研究重点在于复杂应力条件下混凝土强度机理、强度与细观结构定量联系,预期成果可为高混凝土坝的结构设计和安全评定等提供理论基础。
中文关键词: 代表体;混凝土;初始缺陷;强度机理;多尺度
英文摘要: Representative volume element (RVE), which is the smallest volume linking the meso-structures with the macro properties, is the basisi of mesomechanics. However, most of the current researches on RVE were focused on the elastic behavior of concrete, and there are very few reports about the concrete RVE based on strength. The projects are intended to research on the mechanism of concrete strength at meso level employing mesonumerical method and experimental method to explore volume element which strength under complicated loading equal to the strength of concrete material in terms of statistics. The relationship would be established between representative volume element with characteristic length of concrete meso-structure. The expected results of the project are as follows: to build a mechanical computating model which simulate the meso-structure more accurately; to discuss the relationship among the consists, microstrucutures and properties of concrete; to find a method to determin RVE size of concrete strength at complicated stress conditions based on the experimental results and simulating results; to build quantitative relationship between the RVE size and the characteristic size of concrete meso-structure according to the above method. The project intends to build a numerical platform for studying concrete
英文关键词: representative volume element;concrete;initial defects;strength mechanism;multi scale