项目名称: 基于分子内能量传递的新型比率型荧光探针的设计及其在定量分析中的应用
项目编号: No.21305079
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 王延风
作者单位: 山东省医学科学院
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 和传统的单发射荧光探针相比,比率型荧光探针具有灵敏度高,选择性强等优点。本课题将围绕开拓新型比率型荧光探针这一主题,探讨比率型荧光探针新的工作原理以及在定量分析的应用。我们将设计一系列含有给受体对的双生色团探针分子,通过给受体之间的距离以及光谱的重叠程度控制它们之间能量传递效率在一个理想的范围,使探针分子具有双波长发射。识别基团和检测底物结合后,给体的发射或者受体的吸收会受到明显的影响,进而影响到给受体之间的能量传递效率,最终影响到两个波长发射强度的比值。由于检测底物结合前后两个波长处发射强度比值的变化不受仪器参数等实验环境的影响,因此,该探针分子有可能应用于定量分析中。这对环境与生物体系中的现场应急检测具有重要的意义。
中文关键词: 光致发光;量子点;荧光探针;生物相关性;
英文摘要: Compared with the traditional fluorescence probe with single emission band, ratiometric fluorescence probes have high senstivity and selectivity. In this project, we have desinged several new ratiometric fluorescence probes based on a partial intramolecular energy transfer operation principle. The application of these kinds of fluorescecne probes in quantative analysis will also be investiagted. We will keep the energy transfer efficiency below 100% by changing the donor-acceptor distance and the overlap between the donor's emission and acceptor's absorption and then we wil have a probe with two emission bands. After the coordiantion with the cations or anions, the energy transfer will be affacted and the intensity ratio between two emission bands will be changed accordingly. Because the fluorescence intensity ratio between two emission bands is not affected by the instrument parameters as well as the experimental conditions, it is possible to use this kind of fluorescecne probe as a quantative method. This will be very important for the emergency analysis in enviromental and biological systems.
英文关键词: Photoluminescence;quantum dots;fluorescence probe;biocompatibility;