项目名称: 掺杂和部分石墨化的中孔碳负载钴、钌催化剂及费-托合成反应性能
项目编号: No.21203253
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理化学
项目作者: 赵燕熹
作者单位: 中南民族大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 费-托合成是由合成气制备洁净液体燃料和高附加值化学品的最有效方法之一,费-托合成的核心是催化剂技术,因而研究高活性、合理选择性、稳定性好的新型催化剂是费-托合成技术研究的重要内容。本项目拟采用氮、硼、磷掺杂和部分石墨化的中孔碳,以及ZrO2、TiO2、CeO2、La2O3助剂嵌入的中孔碳为载体,负载颗粒尺寸均一的纳米金属钴、钌费-托合成催化剂,并利用TEM、XRD、Raman、XPS、NH3-TPD、TPR、N2物理吸附等方法对催化剂进行全方位的表征,分别从中孔碳载体的石墨化程度,氮、硼、磷掺杂量,助剂加入方法,载体的孔结构,表面的酸碱性,活性金属种类,位落、颗粒大小,还原方法,金属与载体之间的相互作用等方面探讨催化剂结构与催化性能之间的关系,深入了解碳载体性能对费-托合成的影响,为制备高活性、合理选择性、稳定性好的催化剂提供依据。
中文关键词: 费-托合成;介孔碳;石墨化;碳氮化合物;钴
英文摘要: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) is an important technology for the production of clean transportation fuels and chemicals from syngas (CO + H2). Catalytic process is the most important part of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. The preparation of catalyst with high activity, stability and good selectivity is of critical importance. In this project, the cobalt/ruthenium catalysts with uniform metal partical size will be prepared using nitrogen/boron/Phosphorus-doped and partially graphitised ordered mesoporous carbons as supports. The catalysts will be characterized using TEM, XRD, TPR, XPS, Raman, NH3-TPD and N2 adsorption-desorption. The properties of the catalyst and supports including the degree of graphitization, pore structure, the acidity of the surface, the doping amount of nitrogen/boron/Phosphorus, embedment of different metal oxide within the carbon lattice,particle size, reduction method,the interaction of metal with the support and the relationship between catalyst's structure and the catalysis property will be studied.
英文关键词: Fischer–Tropsch synthesis;mesoporous carbon;graphitic;carbon nitride;cobalt