项目名称: 闪电影响对流层上部NOx增强的遥感分析和模式研究
项目编号: No.41305015
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 曹冬杰
作者单位: 国家卫星气象中心
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 闪电是对流层上部NOx的主要来源,影响大气中化学成分的分布。本项目利用1996-2012年LIS/OTD卫星闪电定位资料,GOME、SCIAMACHY和OMI对流层NOx垂直柱密度多年遥感观测资料,解决不同卫星资料时、空分辨率不一致问题,对闪电和对流层NOx数据进行时、空匹配,统计分析中国地区闪电活动与对流层上部NOx时空分布特征在年、季、月变化上的相关性。综合卫星和地基闪电定位、雷达资料,分析对流区闪电率与云顶高度、降水强度、混合层厚度等参量的关系,设计合理的闪电参数化方案,考虑云微物理过程,利用中尺度区域化学模式WRF-Chem对LNOx进行定量模拟,分析深对流系统中闪电、对流输送和光化学等过程对于对流层NOx的垂直分布特征和输送过程的影响,研究闪电导致对流层上部NOx增强的机理。研究结果对于认识中国地区闪电活动与对流层上部NOx分布特征的关系,增进对LNOx产生机理的认识有重要意义。
中文关键词: 闪电;氮氧化物;闪电产生氮氧化物;遥感分析;大气化学模式
英文摘要: Lightning is the main source of Nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the upper troposphere. Lightning-generated NOx (LNOx) plays an important role in atmospheric chemistry. Temporal and spatial distribution of tropospheric NOx(Nitrogen Oxide) and lightning activity over China is analyzed based on satellite observations during 1996-2011. The lightning location is obtained from measurement of LIS/OTD. The datasets of tropospheric vertical column density of NOx are obtained from measurements of GOME,SCIAMACHY and OMI. The time and space unsynchronization of different satellites data is considered. According to the features of annual mean,seasonal mean and monthly mean, the relationship of lightning activity and NOx distribution in the upper troposphere is analyzed. The Doppler radar echo and ground-based measurements of lightning location are analysed to report relations between lightning flash rate and radar-derived storm height, convective precipitation and depth of the mixed phase layer. Acoording to the analysis,a reasonable three regional scale lightning parameterization scheme is developed which is highly depended on the set of cloud microphysical parameters that is selected for WRF-Chem (Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry). WRF-Chem which includes lightning parameterization scheme is used to s
英文关键词: lightning;NOx;LNOx;Remote Sensing Analysis;Atmospheric chemistry model