项目名称: 脉冲激光辐照空间碎片冲量耦合机理实验研究
项目编号: No.11502301
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 常浩
作者单位: 中国人民解放军战略支援部队航天工程大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 利用高能脉冲激光清除厘米级空间碎片被认为是减缓空间碎片危害的一种有效途径。激光辐照空间碎片冲量耦合机理及规律是激光清除碎片中的基础性科学问题。目前研究集中在激光烧蚀光斑尺寸远小于平面靶尺寸下的冲量耦合机理及规律,针对工程实际中非平面状碎片占多数,且远场到靶光斑尺寸大于碎片尺寸的情况,项目开展非平面状碎片在这种激光“全辐照”条件下的冲量耦合机理实验研究。通过真空环境下的缩比实验,研究激光不同入射角度“全辐照”条件下典型非平面状碎片的烧蚀羽流喷射特性及对冲量耦合的作用机理,研究激光入射角度、空间碎片形状和激光参数三种因素下的冲量耦合规律及影响,揭示激光与非平面状碎片的冲量耦合机理及规律。.研究成果可为激光“全辐照”非平面状空间碎片冲量耦合机理研究这一科学问题奠定基础,对于丰富激光与物质相互作用理论、促进激光清除空间碎片技术发展及工程应用也有重要意义。
中文关键词: 激光推进;激光辐照;空间碎片;冲量;冲量耦合系数
英文摘要: The centimeter space debris removal by high power pulsed laser is viewed as a feasible method to mitigate its threat. The impulse coupling mechanism and rules of space debris irradiated by laser are the basic scientific problems in laser orbital debris removal. At present, the study is focused in the condition that the irradiated spot on planar target is much smaller than the plannar target size. However, in practice, the number of non planar space debris is in the majority and the laser beam size in the far field is fully enveloping the debris. Experimental study on impulse coupling mechanism of typical non planar space debris with the beam enveloping the target is investigated based on the scale down experiments in vacuum, including the characteristics of ablation plume injection and its acting mechanism to impulse coupling irradiated by laser in different incoming angles and the rules of impulse coupling influenced by three factors of laser incoming angles, shapes of space debris and laser parameters. The aim of the item is to discover the impulse coupling mechanism and rules when laser interacting with non planar space debris..The research results can provide a solid foundation for studying the scientific problems of the impulse coupling mechanism of non planar space debris enveloping by the laser beam ablation. The results also have great significances for enriching the theory of the interaction between the laser and the matter, and promoting the development and application of the laser space debris removal technology.
英文关键词: laser propulsion;laser radiation;space debris;impulse;impulse coupling coefficient