项目名称: 双脉冲激光三维微多普勒相干探测研究
项目编号: No.61308054
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 张海洋
作者单位: 北京理工大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 近几年来,微多普勒信息的应用已被认为是一种非常具有潜在优势的技术手段。目标的微多普勒特性反映了目标的激光散射特性、几何结构和运动特征,为雷达目标特征提取和目标识别提供了新的途径。传统微多普勒探测系统大多数采用连续激光和单点探测器,只能探测目标的一维距离向微多普勒信息,难以克服信息量有限和探测距离近的弊端,但是随着面阵传感器技术以及新型激光器技术的发展,使得微多普勒激光雷达探测技术也迎来新的发展,脉冲相干三维微多普勒成像方面的研究也逐渐成为新的热点。本申请以运动目标高分辨探测识别为应用背景,采用基于单频双脉冲激光源的相干探测体制,利用探测器阵列作为接收装置,结合时频分析算法,实现对动目标的方位向和距离向的三维微多普勒成像,克服了传统连续激光单点探测信息量有限和探测距离较近的弊端,为探索高分辨的新体制激光雷达提供了理论和实验基础。
中文关键词: 微多普勒;双脉冲激光;微动特性;目标识别;
英文摘要: Micro-doppler effect introduced in laser systems has received more and more intense interest, due to their applications in target feature extraction and recognition in laserradar system. Micro-doppler effect of an object or structures on the object reflects laser scattering characteristics, geometric structure and motion feature. People paid more attentions on the applications of Range micro-Doppler signature in past years. However, with the development of the technology of APD focal plane array and new laser source, the technology of micro-doppler laser radar detection also meets a new development. Moreover, 3-D micro-doppler imaging will gradually instead of Range micro-doppler signature and become a new hotspot.We propose to implement 3-D micro-doppler imaging with the detector array and dual pulsed laser source by the coherent detection mode. Micro-doppler imaging algorithm including joint Time-Frequency analysis is also needed for this laser radar detection technology. The new application of 3-D micro-doppler imaging will contribute a lot to explore a new system of high resolution laser radar by providing theoretical and experimental basis.
英文关键词: micro Doppler;dual-pulse laser;fretting characteristic;target recognition;