项目名称: 基于CD146靶向乳腺癌EMT近红外分子探针生物学效应及其早期诊断作用
项目编号: No.81201140
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 影像医学与生物医学工程
项目作者: 杨钰楠
作者单位: 中国人民解放军第三军医大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 肿瘤细胞发生上皮-间质转化(EMT)具有极高的侵袭迁移能力和干细胞特征,启动早期转移的发生。新近发现CD146是乳腺癌发生EMT的一个重要标志,结合我们前期在乳腺癌近红外荧光分子影像方面的工作基础,本课题提出,采用近红外荧光标记CD146作为靶向乳腺癌EMT的分子探针,研究它在乳腺癌早期转移中的作用。本课题拟采用:①构建靶向间质转化特异性蛋白CD146近红外荧光分子探针并探讨其生物学活性,②应用细胞、动物模型,从体外、活体内结合相关检测肿瘤增殖迁移分子生物学手段,从分子影像学的角度探讨乳腺癌EMT在早期转移中的作用,③评价以EMT为靶点的新型分子探针的活体成像在早期诊断以及治疗中的价值等,为乳腺癌EMT的可视化诊断,实时、动态监测乳腺癌的早期转移及其生物靶向治疗奠定基础。
中文关键词: CD146;肿瘤靶向;胶质瘤;分子成像;
英文摘要: Epithelial-mesenchymal transition(EMT) promotes cancer cell progressing and invasing into the surrounding microenvironment and acquiring the stem-like phenotype. According to the latest researches,CD146 is an unique marker for EMT. Based on our previous work in the field of near infra-red fluorescence molecular imaging for breast cancer,the objective of the proposed research is develop a targeting near infra-red fluorescense tracer to CD146 and study its biological efftects for the EMT during breast tumor growing and their early metastasis.The overarching hypothsis is that:① to develop CD146 functionaliztion near infra-red fluorescence tracer and study its biological effects,② to optimize the breast cancer metastasis targeting efficacy in vitro (breast cancer cells) and in vivo(small animal breast cancer model) and ③to evaluate the early diagnosis and therapy value of the targeting near infra-red fluorescence tracer in breast cancer, pave the road for future dynamic, realtime, and non-invasive monitor on the progression and biotherapy in breast cancer.
英文关键词: CD146;tumor targeting;Gliomablastoma;Molecular Imaging;