项目名称: 非线性控制理论及其在机动目标导引中的应用
项目编号: No.61273090
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 季海波
作者单位: 中国科学技术大学
项目金额: 79万元
中文摘要: 针对快速移动目标的捕获和拦截,涉及到对目标的精确感知的水平和对追踪器的快速精确控制。本项目基于对机动目标精确制导的需求,提出导引与姿态控制系统一体化设计的非线性模型,并利用现代非线性控制设计方法,对未建模因素和目标机动性进行扰动抑制,使得飞行器或导弹在稳定飞行的同时实现对机动目标的追踪拦截。本项目力图为机动目标导引及反导系统设计瓶颈问题探索出一条新的道路。 本项目的特色与创新点主要表现在:一方面,利用近十年来现代控制理论和方法的最新成果,从传统的点到点导引律(如比例导引)发展到刚体到点的导引律,试图从自动控制的角度来提高末制导的拦截性能;另一方面,针对拦截目标的机动性和追踪器有限的感知和控制能力,最大程度上挖掘鲁棒自适应非线性控制等方法的潜力,为机动目标导引与控制系统设计提供重要的技术支持。
中文关键词: 非线性控制;鲁棒性;导引律;机动目标;
英文摘要: Capture and interception of fast moving targets, are related to the accurate perception level of the target and the rapid and precise control of the tracker. The project is based on the needs of accurate guidance and control against maneuvering targets. By introducing a nonlinear model of an integrated guidance and attitude control system and undertaking modern nonlinear control design methods, unmodeled factors and target mobility disturbance are rejected to guarantee that the aircraft or missile interceptor track the maneuvering targets successfully while keeping in stable flight. This project seeks to explore a new way for anti-missile system design bottlenecks against maneuvering targets. Features and innovation of this project are: the one hand, we use of the latest achievements of the last decade of modern control theory and methods, from the traditional point-to-point guidance law (such as proportional navigation) to body-to-point guidance law, we improve the performance of interceptor terminal guidance law; the other hand, to solve the problem of the maneuverability of targets in the presence of finite sensors and actuators of trackers, we do our endeavor to develope a systematic way of robust adaptive nonlinear control methods, and provide an important technical support to anti-missile control system de
英文关键词: nonlinear control;robustness;guidance law;maneuverable objects;