项目名称: 基于山顶点群的陕西省地貌形态空间分异研究
项目编号: No.41201414
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 地理学
项目作者: 陈盼盼
作者单位: 河南省科学院地理研究所
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 地貌形态及其空间分异特征直观地揭示了地表构造变形以及各种地表过程的相互作用,广泛分布在地形表面上的地形特征点构成地形地貌的基本骨架,是地貌形态空间联系的枢纽和地表过程流的发生点或聚合点,负载了大量的信息,具有战略意义和控制全局的作用。本研究拟通过对山顶的成因机制、空间分布、形态特征、显著程度、控制范围等深入研究,构建科学的山顶点分类、分级的定量指标体系;研究以DEM为数据源,建立高效的山顶点分类与分级模型与算法;通过对陕西省多个不同地貌样区的实验,研究山顶点(群)的空间分异特征及其与地貌形态、结构、成因的映射机制与耦合关系,进而揭示陕西省地貌形态空间分异规律。本研究以地形特征点的数字地形分析为切入点,是研究深层次地学问题的一次有益探索。通过本研究,可望丰富和完善数字地形分析理论体系,深化地貌形态的空间分布格局和演变规律的认识,并在定量地貌学的研究中取得具有创新性的研究成果。
中文关键词: 数字地形分析;数字高程模型;山顶点;空间分异;地貌形态
英文摘要: The physiognomy and its space differentiation characteristic intuitively reveal the interactions of surface structure, distortion and different kinds of terrain process as well. The terrain feature points which widely range on earth surface structure the terrain skeleton. As the hub of physiognomy spatial linkage and the polymerization points of flow in surface process, the terrain points contain large amount of information, which have strategic significance and control the global landform features. This study scientifically constructs quantitative index system of peak point classification and gradation by the research of peak points in forming mechanism,spatial distribution, morphological characteristics, significant levels , etc. This paper also establishes efficient models and algorithms to classify and grade the peak points based on DEM data sources. Through many experiments of different landscape sample areas in shaanxi province, we discuss the spatial differentiation characteristic of peak points, and reflect the mapping mechanism and coupling relationship with landform shape in order to further reveal the spatial differentiation characteristic of landform in shaanxi province. In this study, we take terrain feature points as the breakthrough point of digital terrain analysis, which is a significant explora
英文关键词: digital terrain analysis;digital eevation model;peak point;spatial differentiation characteristic;geomorphology