项目名称: 含Gemini表面活性剂单元两亲聚电解质溶液自组装及调控研究
项目编号: No.U1204210
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理化学
项目作者: 李荣强
作者单位: 黄淮学院
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 两亲聚电解质在水溶液中具有丰富的自组装行为,使其在生物医药、能源开采、水处理等领域得到广泛应用,但是对于结构单元中含Gemini表面活性剂结构单元两亲聚电解质在溶液中的自组装研究却很少。本项目以表界面性能优异,聚集行为独特的可聚合Gemini表面活性剂为共聚单体,合成出一系列不同结构、含Gemini表面活性剂结构单元的水溶性两亲聚电解质,研究这些结构新颖的水溶性两亲聚电解质及可聚合Gemini表面活性剂自身在水溶液中的自组装行为规律,探索Gemini表面活性剂单元对聚电解质自组装行为的影响规律及机理,建立高电荷密度及强疏水能力两亲聚电解质在溶液中的聚集体模型。研究温度、离子强度等外界因素对含Gemini表面活性剂单元聚电解质聚集行为的调控规律。这些研究结果将有助于理解高电荷密度聚电解质的溶液特性及调控规律,为开辟两亲聚电解质新的应用领域提供理论和应用基础。
中文关键词: 双子表面活性剂;聚电解质;聚集行为;调控;
英文摘要: Amphiphilic polyelectrolytes have a wide range of applied prospects, such as biological and medical areas, energy exploitation, and waste-water treatment, because they present various self-assembly behaviors and properties in aqueous solution. But the studies about self-assembly properties of amphiphilic polyelectrolytes containing gemini surfactant units have rarely been reported. In this project, polymerizable gemini surfactants, witch are characterized by perfect properties of surface and interface and unique aggregation behavior when compared with conventional surfactants, will copolymerize with other monomers to synthesize a series of water-soluble amphiphilic polyelectrolytes containing gemini surfactant segments. The self-assembly behaviors of these novel polyelectrolytes and polymerizable gemini surfactants in aqueous solution will be investigated. The effect of gemini surfactant units on the aggregation mechanism and property will be studied. The aggregation model of amphiphilic polyelectolytes with high charge density and strong hydrophobic capacity in aqueous solution will be proposed according to the experimental data. The influence of external factors (temperature and ionic strength) on the self-assembly behaviors of amphiphilic polyelectrolytes containing gemini surfactant segments in aqueous solu
英文关键词: Gemini surfactant;polyelectrolyte;self-assembly behavior;regulation;