项目名称: 基于功能性状的亚热带外来植物入侵性及其适应进化研究
项目编号: No.31470021
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 王桔红
作者单位: 韩山师范学院
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 植物功能性状与入侵性的关系已有研究报道,但不同环境中入侵植物的功能性状能否能解释其入侵性尚不清楚。本研究拟在我国外来入侵种相对较多的亚热带区域,沿东南部向西北方向即入侵种的扩散方向,以粤东(潮汕)、赣南(赣州)、湘中(株洲湘潭)3 个地带自然群落为研究地,以系统发育方法 (PICs) 和逐步方差分析方法(step ANOVAs)对不同环境中入侵和非入侵草本植物功能性状进行种间比较研究,试图从群落水平上探查外来入侵植物功能性状与入侵性的关系;同时,以亚热带出现频率较高的入侵植物三叶鬼针草、小飞蓬和刺苋为材料,以分子生物学手段对不同地带种群间功能性状分异及遗传基础进行研究,从分子水平上揭示入侵植物种群间功能性状差异的遗传基础及其对不同环境作出的局域适应和进化策略。这一开创性工作可能会在揭示入侵植物的入侵机制和进化策略上有较所突破,为外来入侵植物的预测和防控寻求新的思路。
中文关键词: 外来入侵植物;功能性状;入侵机制;生态适应性;进化策略
英文摘要: Understanding the functional traits and ecological mechanisms associated with successful invasions of alien plants is a key role of the field of invasion ecology.Functional traits that have been studied in relation to their invasions mainly include seed characters, and morphological,developmental, physiological, clonal and propagation characteristics, as well as genetic variation and plasticity of phenotype, however, whether functional traits of invasive plants could explain their invasion in different environments is still unknown. In this study we will (1) use step ANOVAs and PICs (Phylogenetically Independent Contrasts) to detect the difference in functional traits between the invasive and the non-invasive plants species from three natural communities (eastern Guangdong, south of Jiangxi, and middle of Hunan province), which are in a diffusion direction of invasive plants in China, and further to reveal the relationship between functional traits of alien species and their invasion, (2) investigate the difference in functional traits and genetic basis among populations of invasive plants which are high frequency in subtropical regions including Bidens pilosa, Conyza canadensis, and Amaranthus spinosus by techniques of molecular biology, and further to analysis their ecological adaptations to different environm
英文关键词: Alien invasive plants;Functional traits;Invasion mechanism;Ecological adaptation;Evolutionary strategy