项目名称: 纳米银复合的掺稀土硫系玻璃薄膜制备及其下转换发光研究
项目编号: No.61205181
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 信息四处
项目作者: 许银生
作者单位: 宁波大学
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 光谱下转换材料可将硅太阳能电池无法有效利用的高能紫外/可见光子转换为可以被其利用的近红外光子,增加硅太阳能电池的吸收效率,从而提高光电转换效率。为解决目前掺稀土光谱下转换材料存在的吸收带窄、近红外发光量子产率低等问题,本项目利用硫系玻璃的低声子能量特性和纳米Ag颗粒的等离子共振(SPR)宽吸收带,借助SPR引起的局域场增强效应,开展纳米Ag复合的掺稀土硫系玻璃薄膜设计、制备及下转换发光性能研究。主要内容包括:高浓度稀土离子掺杂硫系玻璃薄膜研制、纳米Ag的SPR峰位和带宽的可控机理研究、以及SPR对稀土离子下转换发光和量子产率的影响。在理论上结合Judd-Ofelt参数计算和Monte Carlo模拟,建立纳米银颗粒增强的稀土下转换发光模型。旨在获得紫外/可见区域有宽吸收、高近红外量子产率的纳米银复合掺稀土硫系玻璃薄膜材料制备技术,为推动今后下转换材料的产业化提供理论依据和科学的数据。
中文关键词: 下转换发光;硫系玻璃;表面等离子共振;发光材料;
英文摘要: Spectral down-conversion (DC) materials can convert one high energy UV/visible photon which can not be effectively utilized by the c-Si solar cells to two or more near-infrared (near-IR) photons around operating wavelength of the c-Si solar cells. The more near-IR photons emit, the more light will be absorbed by c-Si solar cells, and the higher photovoltaic conversion efficiency will be achieved. However, the most studied DC materials can not be used for c-Si solar cells due to their narrow absorption band of rare earth (RE) ions and the low quantum yield from UV/Visible to near-IR. To solve these problems, the nano-Ag/REs codoped chalcogenide glass films which take advantages of low phonon energy of chalcogenide glass, broad absorption band and local field enhancement (LFE) effect of nano-Ag's SPR will be designed and fabricated. This project will emphasize on the following three aspects, 1) design and fabricate the chalcogenide glass films with high concentration of RE3+/Yb3+(RE=Pr, Tb, Tm)ions co-doping; 2) the technique for preparation of the controllable SPR absorption band position and bandwidth; 3) the influence of SPR absorption and LFE effect of nano-Ag on the DC luminescence properties and quantum yield. Theoretically, the nano-Ag enhanced DC luminescence mechanism of the RE3+/Yb3+ ions codoped chalcog
英文关键词: Down-conversion emission;Chalcogenide glass;Surface plasmon resonance;Luminescent material;