项目名称: 烙画艺术模拟及其数字合成技术研究
项目编号: No.61462093
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 钱文华
作者单位: 云南大学
项目金额: 47万元
中文摘要: 对不同艺术风格的数字化模拟是非真实感绘制技术的主要目标之一。近年来非真实感绘制的研究对象不断扩展,研究成果广泛应用于虚拟现实、网络传输、影视制作等方面。国内外很多研究者已对中国特有的书法、水墨画等艺术作品进行了数字仿真,但尚缺乏对具有民族和地域特色的烙画艺术作品的模拟研究。本项目选取烙画艺术风格作为研究对象,分析和考察烙画艺术的实际创作过程,揭示其线条、色彩等方面在创作过程中的规律和特点,研究基于图像的烙画艺术风格数字合成关键技术,重点针对烙画作品中流畅细腻的线条、写意的画面、凹凸立体感、创作材质等创作技法提出相应的模拟算法;其次将算法扩展到视频场景,研究视频帧分割、视频帧补偿等关键问题,同时基于CUDA建立烙画及其视频的实时绘制系统。相关研究成果是对非真实感绘制技术的有益补充,对其它民族特色的艺术风格数字化模拟具有借鉴作用,为不同艺术效果在视频合成中的研究提供了一种通用的实现机制。
中文关键词: 非真实感绘制;烙画艺术;数字模拟;视频合成;实时渲染
英文摘要: 。 Non-Photorealistic Rendering (NPR) combines artist painting rule and some scientist methods. This technique can express and transfer information besides photorealistic computer graphics. NPR covers lots of fields, such as simulating nature scene or artist's painting work, enhancing image's information, creating animation, expressing art of date. In addition, the technology of NPR plays an increasingly important role in medical science, architectonic and education. The appearance of NPR research fields enriches the content of graphics. Recently, some western art style such as oil, watercolor pencil drawing etc have been simulated. Because of the demands of real time and diversity of business circle, some researchers also simulated art such as Chinese painting, Chinese ink etc. However, there is still lack of research on Chinese national pyrography art style. Based on our former research work of NPR, we will render and simulate pyrography stylized art. During the development of the proposal, we will analyse the creative process of real pyrography work, and reveal several specialties of this artistic effect, such as line simulating, prospect and color control etc. Firstly, we will put forward the corresponding digital synthesis algorithm about pyrography art in smooth line, enjoyable frame, stereoscopic impression etc. Secondly, we will extend the algorithm to video scene. The most important thing about artistic video synthesis is to preserve smoothness in transition. By calculating a weighted similarity among past and future frames, we choose adapted loop sequence and transtion among frames will happen in a proper order. Based on the technique of frame segmentation and frame compensation, the proposal will also eliminate visual discontinuities between neighbor frames. In addition, based on CUDA we will research accelerated and optimized algorithms about pyrography style and video digital synthesis system. The related research findings will provide a new NPR artistic field of pyrography style. Our mehtod will provide a generic mechanism for research different NPR artistic effects in video synthesis. The project is expected to publish 10-15 papers in national and international journals and conference, and develop realtime artistic synthesis system of pyrography effect and video scene.
英文关键词: Non-photorealistic rendering;Pyrograph;Digital simulate;Video synthesis;Realtime rendering