项目名称: 计算机素描艺术的几何分析与并行化计算
项目编号: No.61471359
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 车武军
作者单位: 中国科学院自动化研究所
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 3D形状信息的特征分析和表达与素描绘画的线条化简化抽象效果有着惊人的相似。本课题基于三维形状信息的微分几何特征分析,系统探索素描绘画中3D形状视觉信息获取与处理中的数学理论与方法,研究面向计算机素描艺术的快速可视化技术。具体而言,通过绘画中对边线、空间、形状、角度和比例关系、光和影等感知的基本技巧,探索符合素描绘画视觉审美意义的3D模型几何特征新定义与计算方法,研究这些新的以及已研究的特征线对物体形状的素描风格可视化的有效性与组合表达的可行性;在此基础上,进一步研究一般场景素描图的特征线、影线等笔触线条如何有效表现物体形象、明暗、疏密等交互问题,尤其是交叉排线法和使用描影法画出过渡色调技法的算法性描述;最后研究复杂场景模型相关特征的有关计算和可视化的数据结构与算法优化,并设计面向几何特征分析的分布式并行计算方案,实现素描图的实时交互绘制。
中文关键词: 视觉信息处理;几何特征分析;可视化;并行计算;素描
英文摘要: The feature analysis and shape representation of 3D shape information strikingly resembles the line-based simplification and abstraction of objects in sketch art. Based on the analysis of differential geometry feature of 3D shape information, this research project aims to systematacially investigate the mathematical theory and methods for visual information acquisition and processing of 3D shapes, and to examine the fast visualization technology for computer sketch art. Concretely speaking, based on the principal skills of perception on the sideline, space, shape, angles and proportions, light and shadow in the painting, the project aims to investigate new geometric features of 3D models and their computation, measuring up to the sense of aesthetics in sketch painting, and, using the new and the previous the feature lines to study the effectiveness and the feasibility through their combination to express the sketch-styled visualization of shapes; and then to examine how to represent the image, light and shade, density and so on, in sketch painting, using the strokes like feature lines and hachure lines, especially the algorithm description for cross-hatching and shading. Finally, in order to render a complex scene model in the interactive sketch style, we plan to study the computation of relevant features and the optimization of algorithm and data structure for visualization, and to propose a distributed pipeline solution according to the requirement of geometric feature analysis and basic principles of parallel computing.
英文关键词: Vision information processing;Geometric feature analysis;Visualization;Parallel computing;Sketch