项目名称: 有序多孔铋系光催化剂的可控制备及其高效光催化性能研究
项目编号: No.51302108
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 段芳
作者单位: 江南大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 针对软模板法制备多孔铋系光催化剂在去除模板剂过程中的孔道坍塌以及硬模板法难以对孔径大小进行调控的问题,本项目拟设计合成光敏性肉桂酸基双亲嵌段共聚物为结构导向剂,使其兼具软、硬模板功能,制备孔径可调、孔道有序多孔铋系光催化材料。研究核心可描述为:调节光敏性肉桂酸基双亲嵌段共聚物中肉桂酸基位置、软/硬链段比以及聚合物组装方法,对模板剂组装体结构和尺寸进行控制;研究铋系前驱体以嵌段共聚物为模板的界面组装过程,利用模板剂中含光敏基团,在紫外光照下发生光交联,进一步增强模板剂对铋系前驱体的支撑作用;利用肉桂酸基链段含有大量sp2杂化碳原子可在惰性气氛中原位转化成无定形碳支撑体,有效防止模板剂去除后孔道坍塌,最终实现孔径可调、孔道有序的多孔铋系光催化剂的控制合成,并研究其形成机理。对有序多孔铋系光催化剂光催化性能进行研究,揭示多孔结构与高效光催化性能之间的构效关系,实现高效铋系光催化剂的构筑。
中文关键词: 可见光光催化;铋系光催化剂;多孔结构;聚合物模板;可控制备
英文摘要: The surface areas and the photocatalytic reaction sites of bismuth based photocatalysts can be effectively increased by synthesis of porous structures with controllable pore size and order. The present reported soft template or hard template method is difficult to control the pore size and order simultaneously. Aiming at the subsistent problem, this project puts forward synthesizing porous bismuth based photocatalysts templated by amphiphilic block copolymer containing photosensitive cinnamic acid unit. This novel template combines the advances of soft template and hard template, and will be more likely to synthesis ordered porous bismuth based photocatalysts. First, the structures and sizes of amphiphilic block copolymer assembly will be adjusted by cinnamic acid unit position in the amphiphilic block copolymer, the ratio of soft/hard block in addition to the copolymer assembly method. And the assembly process of bismuth precursor at the interface of amphiphilic block copolymer will be studied. Then, the pore structure of the porous precursors will be further consolidated by photocrosslinking of photosensitive cinnamic acid unit under UV light irradiation, and the influence mechanism of photocrosslinking degree to pore structure will be discussed. Besides, the heating process in inert gas and in oxygen will be
英文关键词: visible light photocatalytic;bismuth based photocatalysts;porous structure;polymer template;controllable synthesis