项目名称: 深埋隧洞滞后型岩爆的围岩时效变形诱发机理研究
项目编号: No.41202202
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 马天辉
作者单位: 大连理工大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 近年来有越来越多的深埋长大隧洞进入施工期,带来许多深部岩石力学问题,其中以岩爆最为突出,已成为我国未来深部地下工程中的一大技术瓶颈问题。本项目以深埋隧洞围岩的时效变形诱发滞后型岩爆这一关键科学问题为核心,基于流变力学、损伤力学、信息科学等多学科交叉的研究方法,围绕深埋隧洞围岩的时效变形特性,进行声发射辅助岩石三轴蠕变实验和现场微破裂监测实践,研究深埋隧洞围岩在蠕变过程中的微破裂前兆及其时空演化规律,根据卸荷蠕变变形损伤演化规律及蠕变率随时间的发展阶段特征,构建高应力作用下岩体蠕变损伤模型,建立微震活动信息与物理、力学参数变化之间的联系,应用大规模数值分析方法进行不同偏应力作用下深埋隧洞围岩的流变失稳研究,揭示深埋隧洞滞后型岩爆的围岩时效变形诱发机理,为寻求深埋隧洞变形失稳控制及长期稳定性的预测提供理论和应用基础。
中文关键词: 滞后型岩爆;时效变形;微震监测;流变;预警
英文摘要: In recent years, more and more long, large and deeply buried tunnels being constructed have brought about many deep rock mechanics problems, of which the most prominent rockburst, has become a technical bottleneck in the future deep underground engineering. In this project, the key scientific issue, viz., time-dependent deformation of the surrounding rockmass leads to delayed rockburst in deep tunnel is to be concentrated considering the time-dependent deformation characteristics of the surrounding rockmass in deep buried tunnels, adopting multi-disciplinary methods such as rheological mechanics, damage mechanics and information science, and performing triaxial creep and AE testing and field microseismic monitoring, to study the crack precursor and its temporal and spatial evolution during rock creep, to analyze creep deformation, associated damage evolution and creep rate evolution characteristics during unloading of deep rock mass, to establish a high-stressed creep damage model, to construct a link between the microseismic events and physico-mechanical parameters, to perform a series of numerical simulations on the rheological instability of surrounding rockmass in deep buried tunnels under different partial stresses, and to reveal the time-dependent deformation induced delayed rockburst mechanism of surround
英文关键词: delayed rockbursts;time-dependent deformation;microseismic monitoring;creep;early warning