项目名称: 信号交叉口黄灯期间的驾驶员行为研究
项目编号: No.51308038
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 李娟
作者单位: 北京交通大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 被称为"史上最严交规"的修订版《机动车驾驶证申领和使用规定》正式实施,再次引发"抢黄灯是否该罚"的争议。整合视频检测技术和高度仿真驾驶模拟平台,结合微观的驾驶员属性、车辆特征和宏观的交通流数据,对黄灯期间的驾驶员行为进行研究。以此为基础,进一步探讨抢黄灯、闯红灯和交通事故三者之间的关系,发掘闯红灯现象的生成机理。对黄灯启亮时,驾驶员的感知-反应时间进行拟合,分析其分布函数,探讨各交通参数与驾驶员感知-反应时间之间的关系。结合我国的交通特征,将交通环境因素引入驾驶员停车/行进决策模型,揭示信号灯设置、交叉口设计和周边车辆对驾驶员决策行为的影响。基于仿真和观察,分析影响闯红灯现象的关键因素,及其诱发闯红灯行为的临界值,发掘闯红灯现象的生成机理,建立闯红灯事件的预警机制和防范措施。成果可为交通管理部门交通法律法规和工程规范的编制与修改提供理论基础和技术支持。
中文关键词: 黄灯;视频检测;驾驶员行为;决策模型;刹车时间
英文摘要: The new edition of the Application and Implementation Regulations of Motor Vehicle Driver License was adapted and implemented. However, the regulation, known as "the most strict traffic control regulation in the history", triggered controversy again for the enforcement of the rushing into yellow signal. For the best performance of the yellow interval, providing the scientific basis and technical support for the establishment and modification of the traffic laws / regulations and the traffic engineering guidelines, the driver behavior analysis is conducted during the yellow interval, which is based on the traffic data collected by the video detection and the driving simulation, including micro driver and vehicle characteristics and macro traffic flow. In additional, analysis is to explore the relationship among rushing into yellow siganl, red-light running violation and traffic incidents, to further explore of the formation mechanism of red-light running violation. The regression of the driver's perception-reaction time at the onset of a yellow phase is discussed with various traffic parameters. Integrating the traffic characteristics in our country, the specific traffic factors are considered and input into the stop/go decision model, which reveals the impact on the driver's decision by traffic signal timing and
英文关键词: yellow light;video surveillance;driver behavior;decision-making model;stopping time