项目名称: 白菜离区发育相关多聚半乳糖醛酸酶基因BcAZPG1的功能鉴定
项目编号: No.31501769
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 郁有健
作者单位: 浙江农林大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 本项目以前期对白菜PG基因家族成员的结构、进化与表达模式分析中,发现的1个与离区发育密切相关属于F亚类的新基因BcAZPG1为基础,首先利用qRT-PCR、组织原位杂交、基因特异启动子融合表达等方法分析该基因在离区发育中的确切表达模式,然后通过基因过表达技术、RNAi技术及原核和真核表达的方法,重点对该基因进行生物学功能鉴定和生化特性分析,继而利用获得的目的基因特异启动子融合表达及目的基因过表达和受抑制的转基因材料,分析它们在外源施加生长素、乙烯、脱落酸和茉莉酸几种植物激素条件下的表型变化、生理生化特征及目的基因表达变化等,明确不同植物激素对该基因的具体调控作用。这些研究将为深入理解PG基因家族成员的结构、进化与其功能的关系及PG基因在白菜等十字花科植物离区发育中的作用及其调控机制提供新的数据支撑,为有效控制蔬菜等农作物产量和品质及性状改良效率的提高提供依据。
中文关键词: 白菜;多聚半乳糖醛酸酶;离区;基因功能;基因调控
英文摘要: The present project is based on our previous study on the new polygalacturonase (PG) gene BcAZPG1 related to the abscission zone development, which is identified by the structure, evolution and expression pattern analysis of PG gene family members in Brassica campestris. First, qRT-PCR, in situ hybridization and gene-specific promoter analysis will be used to investigate the exact spatial and temporal expression patterns of BcAZPG1. Then, over-expression, RNA interference(RNAi), prokaryotic expression, and eukaryotic expression technology will be employed to identify the biological function and the biochemical properties of BcAZPG1. Using the transgenic plants mentioned above, the role played by several plant hormones including auxin, ethylene, abscisic acid and jasmonic acid in the regulation of BcAZPG1 will be investigated. These studies will present essential information for deep understanding of the relationship among the structure, evolution and function of PG gene family members, and the role played by PG genes and its regulatory mechanism in the abscission zone development of cruciferous plants, and they will also provide basis for improving the yield, quality and efficiency of properties improvement of vegetables and other crops.
英文关键词: Brassica campestris;Polygalacturonase;Abscission zone;Gene function;Gene regulation