项目名称: 基于机载小光斑全波形激光雷达的林区隐蔽率模型改进与定量分析
项目编号: No.61501476
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 陈小天
作者单位: 中国人民解放军国防科技大学
项目金额: 17万元
中文摘要: 林区地形隐蔽性建模和定量分析是军事地形学中重要的研究内容,其研究对于作战行动规划、部署以及重要目标防护都有着重大意义。林区地形隐蔽性是用隐蔽率来定量分析的。现有的林区地形隐蔽率计算模型是建立在郁闭度基础上,该模型仅仅考虑树冠大小以及株距对隐蔽性的影响,对其它影响林区隐蔽性的要素考虑不够全面和科学,其缺陷随着隐蔽目标探测技术手段的不断提高变得日益明显。为解决目前林区隐蔽率建模和定量分析存在的问题,本项目拟采用林区局部冠层间隙率对隐蔽率模型进行改进,并在该模型的基础上研究如何通过机载小光斑全波形激光雷达提取局部间隙率,从而实现对林区隐蔽率进行更为合理和精准的定量分析。通过该项目的研究可以为林区地形隐蔽性要素的分析提供新的科学方法和技术手段,拓展遥感科学在地形学中的应用范围,具有重要的理论价值和应用前景。
中文关键词: 地形隐蔽性;林区;机载激光雷达;定量分析;冠层间隙率
英文摘要: Modeling and quantitative analysis of concealment in forest region is an important research topic of military topography, which is crucial for operational planning, deployment and valuable target protection . Concealment ratio is used for quantitative analysis of concealment. The existing concealment ratio modeling is established on the the canopy crown density, only considering the influence of crown size and interval. Modeling by canopy crown density ,other essential factors of forest on concealment is not considered comprehensively and scientifically, defect of which become more obviously with more advanced concealment target detection technology . In order to solve the problems of present modeling and quantitative analysis of concealment, this project intends to use local canopy gap fraction to improve the present model, and use airborne small-footprint full-waveform lidar to extract local canopy gap fraction, which could realize the quantitative analysis of concealment property more reasonable and precise. Through the research the project could provide a new scientific methods and techniques for analysis of concealment in forest region. In the same time the research could expand the scope of application of Remote Sensing in topography, which has important theoretical value and application prospect.
英文关键词: Terrain concealment;forest region;airborne LiDAR;quantitative analysis;canopy gap fraction