项目名称: 基于忆阻的光纤式结冰信号检测及处理关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61503418
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 李薇
作者单位: 中南民族大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 面对我国对飞机结冰探测技术的巨大需求,现有的信号检测及处理方法无法完全满足体积小、速度快、准确度高的要求,本项目拟采用新型电路元件-忆阻,对探头获取信号的抗干扰检测和后续的信号智能处理方法进行改进。利用忆阻阻值可变、非易失等特性,构建具有差动放大效应的忆阻网络结构,实现探测信号的差动放大检测;将忆阻与传统神经网络结合,形成忆阻突触,实现对冰层厚度特性曲线的非线性校正以及结冰类型的分类识别。本项目研究不仅满足了我国对飞机机载结冰安全防护技术的迫切需求,突破了现有光纤式结冰探测信号检测及处理的局限性,还推动了微结构光纤传感器的发展。
中文关键词: 忆阻;光纤;结冰探测;信号处理
英文摘要: Facing the requirement of aircraft icing detection in China, the existing signal detection and processing is unable to satisfy the demand of small size, high-speed and intelligence. This work proposes to adopt the fourth circuit element-memristor, making improvement in icing detection and signal processing. Using the memristor characteristics of memristance-variable and nonvolatile, we construct a memristor-based network structure to realize the differential amplification of the icing detection signal, and combine the memristor with the neural network to realize the nonlinear calibration of detection curves of different ice type. This work satisfies the requirement of aircraft safety protection in icng condition, makes a breakthrough in the existing icing detection and signal processing, and promotes the development of micro-structure fiber-optic sensor.
英文关键词: memristor;fiber-optic;ice detection;signal processing