项目名称: 基于空间句法研究街区形态与活力的相关性- - 以京津地区为例
项目编号: No.51208343
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 建筑环境与结构工程学科
项目作者: 盛强
作者单位: 北京交通大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 针对近年来快速城市化进程,特别是旧城改造区及新住区内的活力缺失的问题,本课题关注街区形态对反映日常生活活力的小商业聚集的影响,探索这类自组织商业分布的空间逻辑。 在理论上,基于近年来空间句法理论对城市拓扑空间形态与活力中心的研究成果及当代住区建设导致城市肌理碎片化的现状,本课题试图在封闭式与开放式的路网间(分别代表内向和外向型的东西方空间文化范型)寻求一种平衡,并探索一种对不同层级运动网络间分形特征的量化描述。 在研究范围和方法上,综合考虑空间形态多元性与地缘背景的可比性,本课题选取京津地区的城市中心区及郊区的部分住区作为研究范围。基于对商业功能的详细调研,量化评价街区活力,并与街区的内外部空间因素对比,总结其分布的空间逻辑。为在城市规划中街区路网形态的确定建立以拓扑形态为基础的参数体系,提供可量化的分析方法,使之能更有效的支持该地区活力的生成、恢复和保持。
中文关键词: 空间句法;社区级中心;城市活力;AB模型;实证研究
英文摘要: The rapid urbanization in recent years has bring the problem of losing vitality in many redeveloped or new residential areas. This research is dedicated to study the influence of street pattern on the agglomeration of local shops which indicates the local-scale everyday life vitality. Based on the theoretical and methodological background of Space Syntax on the relationship between topological urban spatial structure and live centralities, this research will explore the complex urban fabric between the introverted and extroverted street pattern, which represent Eastern and Western cultural spatial paradigms respectively. Furthermore, quatitive measurements will be developed to capture the fractal feacture of street pattern in relation with higher level of movement network. Considering the diversity of spatial factors and comparability of social-economical backgrounds, this research will focus on the core urbanised area and some selected suburban areas within Beijing-Tianjin region. Based on fieldwork, the distribution and number of shops on each street segment will be recorded for evaluting the vitality of the urban block. The spatial logics in location of shops will be explored by integrating the spatial conditions inside and outside the block. This research will esteblish a parametric matrix based on
英文关键词: Space Syntax;Local centrality;urban vitality;Agent Based model;empirical research