项目名称: 模分复用光纤通信系统中模式激励与模式转换的研究
项目编号: No.61271191
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 顾畹仪
作者单位: 北京邮电大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 模分复用在光纤通信系统中增加了一维新的复用方式,是大幅增加光纤通信的信道容量的最有前景的方法之一,在国际上已成为当前光通信领域的前沿与热点研究课题。模式激励和模式转换模块是模分复用光纤通信系统的最基本组成部分,是实现模分复用的必需首先研究的基本问题,也是是当前实现模分复用的一个难点技术。当前的模式激励和模式转换方法还远不成熟。因此,本项目面向未来模分复用光纤通信系统的需求和基本问题,对"任意模式的高效激励机理与方法"和"模式转换的条件及可控模式转换实现方法"进行研究,重点探讨模式分布特征及模式传递函数,提出高效率、低串扰、低复杂度的模式激励和控制方法,通过理论研究和实验验证,在"具有模式选择和模式放大功能的任意模式激励方法"方面形成自己的创新。本项目的研究成果将为我国模分复用光纤通信系统的发展提供重要参考,为下一代超高速率、超大容量的光纤传输系统的发展提供有力支撑。
中文关键词: 模分复用;模式激励;模式转换;模式控制;
英文摘要: Mode division multiplexing (MDM) proposes a new dimension of multiplexing way for fiber communication systems. It is one of the most promising methods for increasing the capacity of optical communication systems, also a frontier researching topic in the field of international optical communication systems. Mode excitation and mode conversion are the essential parts and technical difficulties of MDM fiber communication systems, which need to be solved firstly. Therefore, this project focuses on the requirements and principal problems of MDM fiber communication systems, researching on "mechanism and mothods of high efficiency excitation of any mode"and"the condition of mode conversion and achievement methods of controllable mode conversion". High efficiency, low crosstalk and low complexity methods of mode excitation and mode conversion are to be proposed. Through theoretical research and experimental verification, we will make innovation in "excitation methods of any mode with the function of mode selection and mode magnification". The achievements of this project will provide important guidance for the development of MDM fiber communication systems in China, and lay solid foundations for the next generation of ultra-high speed, ultra-high capacity fiber communication systems.
英文关键词: mode division multiplexing;mode excitation;mode conversion;mode control;