项目名称: CdSe量子点/Cu2O纳米柱阵列PN结的制备与光电转换性能研究
项目编号: No.61264007
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 钟福新
作者单位: 桂林理工大学
项目金额: 48万元
中文摘要: 量子点太阳能电池由于具有非常高的理论能量转换效率,成为现在科研领域的研究热点之一,其中由P型量子点与N型半导体纳米棒阵列构成的耗尽层异质结太阳能电池是一类比较有发展前景的电池结构。但是,目前P型量子点种类比较少,合成条件比较苛刻,大大限制了这类电池的应用进展。本项目设计了一种新型结构-N型量子点/P型纳米柱阵列结构,利用电化学辅助模板法,在导电玻璃上制备出高质量的Cu2O纳米柱阵列,利用浸泡吸附法和旋涂法将CdSe量子点涂覆在Cu2O纳米柱阵列上制备出PN结,测量由一系列不同尺寸、不同S掺杂浓度的CdSe量子点与Cu2O纳米柱阵列复合结构的光电转换性能,研究量子点尺寸和禁带宽度与太阳能吸收效率的关系、量子点的禁带宽度对电子在P-N结界面传输的影响规律。本项目旨在探索提高量子点太阳能电池的吸收率和电子迁移率的有效途径及其物理本质,为将来设计更高转换效率的太阳能电池提供理论基础和实验积累。
中文关键词: CdSe量子点;Cu2O纳米阵列;PN结;光电转换;
英文摘要: Quantum dot solar cells are becoming one of hot research topics due to their high theoretical energy conversion efficiency. Among them,the depleted heterojunction cell consisting a p-type quantum dots and a n-type semiconductor nanorod has been demonstrated to be a prospective structure to improve the performance of solar cell. However, the p-type quantum dot is relatively less than the n-type quantum dot, in addition, most p-type quantum dots have to be synthesis in harsh condition and are poisonous,which limit the application of the p-type quantum dot in solar cell. In this project, a novel structure consisting of n-type quantum dot/p-type nano-pillar array is designed. Combining electrical deposition and porous template method, Cu2O nano-pillar array will be synthesis on conductive glass, and then immerson or spin-coating will be used to coat quantum dots on the Cu2O nano-pillar array to fabricate p-n junction.The photoelectric conversion properties of p-n will be measured.Two aspects will be studied systematically, a)the effection of the size and S-doped concentration of CdSe quantum dots on the band gap and solar energy absorption efficiency, b) the relationship between the band gap of the quantum dots and electron transport at the interface. This project aims to find how to improve the absorption efficien
英文关键词: CdSe quantum dots;Cu2O nano-pillar array;PN junction;photoelectric conversion;