项目名称: 人类行为时空特性统计规律挖掘及社会动力学效应分析
项目编号: No.11205040
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学II
项目作者: 韩筱璞
作者单位: 杭州师范大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 近年来,大量的实证研究发现,人类行为活动的时间空间统计特性中存在有极为丰富的复杂性现象。基于统计物理方法,来研究人类行为中的时间空间特性的统计规律,已经成为近年来复杂性科学领域内的一个新兴的研究热点。本项目将对大量的反映人类行为的数据,发展出多个新颖的方法进行全面分析,从各个角度来描述人类行为时间空间统计特性,并基于若干新的建模思路,对这些行为统计特性的产生机制进行探索,提出更具有普遍意义的动力学模型,深入揭示影响人类行为特性的深层机制。进一步,本项目还将基于实际的行为时空统计特性,通过在社会动力学模型中引入非稳态非均匀接触假设,通过复合种群等建模方法,全面考察人类行为统计特性对各种社会动力学系统的演化过程的影响,并研究在疾病控制、交通优化的等方面的可能应用。
中文关键词: 人类行为;社会动力学;非泊松特性;人类空间运动特性;幂律分布
英文摘要: Recently, many complex and abnormal phenomena in the temporal and spatial statistical properties of real-world human behaviors are widely observed in many empirical researches. The rising of the studies for these properties in human activities based on statistics physics method have attracted much attention in complex sciences. In our item, we will analyze large number of datasets that records human daily behaviors, to find and describe the new properties using several new methods. And then we will propose several dynamical models to investigate the underlying mechanisms in the emergence of these statistical properties by more deeply and more universal ways. Moreover, based on the real-world properties of human behaviors, we will consider the inhomogeneous temporal patterns and mobility patterns in individual contacts, to discuss the corresponding effects on the dynamical evolution of several social systems using the meta-population-based modeling framework. Furthermore, based on above findings, we will study the possible applications in several social systems, such as the control strategies of epidemic spreading, optimization of traffic system, and so on.
英文关键词: Human Behaviors;Social Dynamics;Non-Poission Properties;Human Mobility Patterns;Power-law Distributions