项目名称: 基于组学方法研究两种营养功能迥异淡水鱼的分子学基础
项目编号: No.31501495
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 食品科学、农学基础与作物学
项目作者: 杜红英
作者单位: 华中农业大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 现代营养学研究的主要目标是通过合理的日常饮食预防疾病和保障人类健康。采用蛋白组学和代谢组学等系统生物学方法全面而系统的进行营养学研究,不仅有助于理解食品功能的多样性,还能拓展营养学的研究领域,提高营养学研究的准确性。本项目拟以两种生理功能截然不同的淡水鱼乌鳢和鲫鱼为主要研究对象,以草鱼作为对照,采用家庭常用的常压加热的热加工方式和体外模拟胃肠消化依次对三种淡水鱼进行热处理和消化处理,利用核磁共振波谱技术对处理后鱼汤中的功能小分子代谢物进行代谢组学研究,寻求最佳处理条件。利用色谱-质谱联用技术对样品进行蛋白质组学研究,结合代谢组学的研究结果,从整体角度揭示蛋白质和功能小分子与其生理功能特异性的联系。该研究拟建立一种普适性的组学分析方法,为现代人追求更加科学健康、高效营养的饮食方式提供指导。
中文关键词: 膳食因子;蛋白组学;代谢组学;化学信息学;核磁共振
英文摘要: The main goal of modern nutrition research is using reasonable diet to prevent disease and protect human health. The system biology approach, such as proteomics and metabolomics, etc. could be used to study the nutrition comprehensively and systematically. The application of these methods not only helps understand the diversity of food function, but also expands the field of nutrition and improves the accuracy of nutrition research. The current project intends to use freshwater fish (snakehead(Channa argus) and crucian carp(Carassius auratus)) which have two distinct physiological functions as the main objects of the study, and use grass fish as the control group. These three kinds of fish were processed with heating treatment under normal pressure and in vitro gastrointestinal digestion followed by heating treatment. The NMR spectroscopy technique was used to investigate the fish soup to seek the best treatment condition using the small molecular metabolites; the chromatography - mass spectrometry was employed to do the proteomics study. With these two ‘omics’ approaches, the relationship between the diversity functions of the food and the small molecules, protein, peptides can be successfully revealed. This study aimed to establish a universal ‘omics’ analysis methods, give a guidance for pursuing a more scientific and healthy, nutritious diet and efficient way.
英文关键词: Dietary factor;Proteomics;Metabolomics;Cheminformatics;Nuclear Magnetic Resonance