项目名称: 机载质谱仪研究北京上空气溶胶化学组成的垂直分布特征
项目编号: No.41505129
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 刘全
作者单位: 北京市气象局
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 正确认识气溶胶化学成分的垂直分布特征对研究气溶胶消光效应、气溶胶大气输送过程、气溶胶-云的相互作用以及模型验证和发展等方面具有重要的科学和应用意义。本项目拟基于地面和飞机搭载气溶胶质谱仪,针对北京地区上空开展气溶胶化学成分、粒径分布以及气象要素的垂直探测研究。具体的研究内容主要包括:1)对机载气溶胶质谱仪的测量方法和数据质控等方面进行改进,解决由于外界大气压力随高度不断变化造成的仪器测量误差等问题,提高机载气溶胶质谱仪探测准确度;2)结合地面和空中气溶胶质谱数据的解析结果,进一步认识边界层内外不同高度气溶胶化学组成、混合状态和“老化”程度的差异;3)针对典型大气污染过程进行连续的垂直探测,研究气溶胶垂直廓线在污染发展不同阶段的变化特征及影响因素,并结合一维积分边界层模型,定量计算污染过程中垂直输送对地面气溶胶积累的贡献。
中文关键词: 飞机探测;气溶胶;化学组成;垂直分布;气溶胶质谱仪
英文摘要: Knowledge about the vertical distribution of aerosol chemical compositions and ageing processes are important to investigate aerosol extinction effect,atmospheric transport process, aerosol-cloud interactions process and model improvement. To realize the vertical distribution characteristics of aerosol chemical composition and size distribution, this project prepares to carry out ground- and aircraft- based observations with two aerosol mass spectrometers (AMS). The research includes following contents: 1) to eliminate the fluctuations of the AMS onboard in aerosol sizing and transmission efficiency due to changing pressure with altitudes by improving measurement method and data quality control; 2) combined with the results of ground- and aircraft- AMS data analysis, to further realize the differences of aerosol chemical compositions, mixing state and aging extent between inside and outside PBL; 3) to investigate variation characteristics and effect factors of aerosol vertical profiles under different pollution stages during haze events, and combined with one-dimensional integrated boundary layer model to calculate the contribution of vertical transport to ground aerosol loadings.
英文关键词: aircraft observation;aerosol;chemical composition;vertical distribution;aerosol mass spectrometer