项目名称: 稀燃天然气发动机燃烧系统动力学特性与混沌预测研究
项目编号: No.51306041
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 能源与动力工程
项目作者: 杨立平
作者单位: 哈尔滨工程大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 稀燃天然气发动机具有热效率高和NOx排放低等优点,被认为是满足越来越严格燃料经济性和排放法规要求的重要技术途径之一,但稀燃边界附近燃烧稳定性对边界条件变化异常敏感,边界参数微小波动将会导致严重的发动机燃烧循环变动,燃烧系统表现出复杂的动力学混沌特征,但目前对燃烧系统内在的非线性动力学演化机理还不清楚。本项目利用正交试验、回归与相关性分析方法,研究边界参数循环小尺度波动对发动机燃烧系统的耦合作用机理;基于混沌理论和非线性动力学分析技术,对燃烧系统复杂动力学行为进行特性识别和关键影响因素量化分析,确定混沌产生的临界条件及演化途径;建立燃烧系统的非线性预测模型,对燃烧系统的动力学演化规律进行混沌预测。通过本项目研究,揭示稀燃天然气发动机燃烧系统内在的动力学规律,掌握燃烧系统动力学特性识别、非线性建模和混沌预测方法,为实现稀燃天然气发动机燃烧稳定性控制、进一步改善发动机经济性和排放性奠定理论基础。
中文关键词: 稀薄燃烧;发动机;非线性动力学;混沌;预测
英文摘要: Lean-burn natural gas engine has the advantages of high thermal efficiency and low NOx emissions, so it is considered to be one of the most important techniques to meet the increasingly strict fuel economy and emission regulations requirements. However, combustion stability is very sensitive to initial conditions, small-scale fluctuations of boundary parameters can lead to serious combustion cyclic variations, combustion systems exhibit complex chaos characteristics, and internal non-linear dynamics evolvement mechanism of combustion system is not clear at present. Using the orthogonal test and regression analysis method, interaction mechanism of boundary parameter random, small scale fluctuation and combustion system will be studied in this project. Based on chaos theory and nonlinear dynamic data analysis technology, characteristics identification of complicated dynamic process and quantitative analysis of key influence factors will be performed to the combustion system, accordingly critical conditions of producing chaos and evolutionary path will be determined. Nonlinear prediction model of the combustion system will be established to forecast combustion system evolution law. Through this project it will reveal the internal nonlinear dynamics rule of lean-burn natural gas engine combustion system, master the
英文关键词: lean burn;engine;non-linear dynamics;chaos;prediction