项目名称: AST3实时自动调焦与利用亮星拖影监测视宁度的研究
项目编号: No.11203039
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 马斌
作者单位: 中国科学院国家天文台
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 南极巡天望远镜AST3由三台50cm/68cm的改正型施密特望远镜组成,将安装在南极冰穹A进行大视场、光学多波段重复巡天,优良的台址将使其数据可以广泛应用于时域天文学的研究。第一台已于2012年1月安装在南极冰穹A,并将在3月开始观测,其他的也将在随后几年安装运行。冰穹A昆仑站的冬季无人值守要求AST3必须全自动运行,并可远程控制。本项目将针对AST3已有的运行控制与数据系统,着重研究及优化自动运行中的两个问题:1)实现望远镜自动实时调焦,并研究焦距与温度、望远镜姿态等的变化规律,建立模型以进行主动调焦;2)利用CCD帧转移时的亮星拖影测量冰穹A视宁度并进行长期监测。研究结果将不仅能够保证AST3观测图像质量和测光精度,实现既定的科学目标,也将得到南极冰穹A的视宁度监测数据,帮助完善冰穹A的台址监测工作。
中文关键词: 南极天文;调焦;视宁度;图像处理;台址测量
英文摘要: Antarctic Survey Telescope×(AST3), consisting of three 50cm/68cm modified Schmidt telescopes, are designed for wide field survey in multi optical bands to take advantage of excellent observational conditions at Dome A, Antarctica. The data will contribute to time domain astronomy. The first AST3 was deployed to Dome A on January 2012, and will start observation from March 2012, while the others are scheduled to be installed in the following years. Since currently the KunLun Station at Dome A is unattended during the winter, AST3 have to to be able to run automatically, and need to be controlled remotely, which is so called Robotic Autonomous Observatory. Therefore this project aims at researching and optimizing some key functions for the autonomous observation based on the current run control and data system of AST3. This project will achieve two main goals: 1) monitor the focus of the telescope in real time, detect the best focus and adjust to it automatically; establish a temperature-related focus model for future use; 2) measure and monitor the seeing using the trails of the bright stars during CCD frame transfer. This project will not only improve the image quality and photometric accuracy so as to achieve the scientific goals of AST3, but also for the first time acquire the direct seeing information at
英文关键词: Antarctic astronomy;focusing;seeing;image reduction;site testing