项目名称: 基于车载技术的机动车挥发性有机物组分清单研究
项目编号: No.41275124
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 姚志良
作者单位: 北京工商大学
项目金额: 70万元
中文摘要: 可挥发性有机物(Volatile organic compounds, VOCs)是形成光化学烟雾的重要前体物,对人体健康和环境十分有害。在VOCs人为源排放中约有35%来自于机动车,在一些城市城区甚至高达60%以上,研究和控制机动车VOCs排放有着重要意义。本研究将基于车载测试技术,搭建机动车VOCs排放Summa罐和DNPH吸附管同时车载采样系统;选择不同技术不同燃料车型在典型道路上进行尾气排放VOCs车载测试采样,利用GC/MS和HPLC联合分析技术进行VOCs组分定量分析;基于测试和分析,建立VOCs车载采样测试方法,解析关键因素对机动车VOCs排放组分的影响,确定机动车VOCs排放组分因子,结合我国机动车活动水平信息数据,采用基于技术的排放清单模型方法,建立机动车VOCs组分排放清单,为机动车VOCs排放控制、VOCs源解析、以及区域大气污染模拟和复合型大气污染控制提供科学依据。
中文关键词: 机动车;挥发性有机物;排放清单;车载测试;
英文摘要: Volatile organic compounds(VOCs), which are the important precursors of the formation of photochemical smog, have significant harm on human health and enironment. Among the VOCs emission from anthropogenic sources, motor vehicle contributed about 35%, and in some city urban area, the contibution of motor vehicle reached more than 60%. Studying and controlling the VOCs emissions from motor vehicle are very imporant. In this study, firstly, an on-board VOCs sampling system with Summa canister and DNPH adsorption tube will be built based on PEMS technology;and on-road VOCs sampling for exhaust emission from vehicles with different technologies and fuels will be carried out using the on-board sampling system in typical roads; secondly,samples of VOCs will be quantified using GC/MS and HPLC combined technique; then, based on the test and analysis, emission profiles of VOCs for vechiles will be developed and the impacts of key factors on VOCs emission will be analyzed; Finally, emission inventory of VOCs components for motor vehicle in China will be developed with the information of vehicle activities using technique-based invenotry method. This study will provide important scientific basis for the control of VOCs emission from motor vehicle, VOCs source analysis, the regional air quality simulation, and the managemen
英文关键词: motor vehicle;VOCs;emission inventory;PEMS;