项目名称: 海洋中尺度涡旋动力结构与维持机制研究
项目编号: No.41276033
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 王坚红
作者单位: 南京信息工程大学
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 海洋中尺度涡旋所含能量巨大,并与其他系统活跃地相互作用而广受关注。海洋涡旋是水体质量、热量、动量和能量输运重要媒介。它们与周围不同时空尺度的系统进行能量交换,水平方向有涡旋移动及与海流的分离与合并,垂直方向上有与深层系统如南半球翻转流及与上层大气系统的对流及感热传递。这些能量交换与传递量级可观,得益于涡旋的持续维持。涡旋不但生成机制不同,形态也多样,如圆锥形,圆柱形,碗形等, 在其能量传输过程中其形态与功能的维持应与其外部强迫机制相关,也与其内部结构的动力约束有关。内外部机制如何定性定量地响应,需要深入探索。卫星观测主要给出海气界面信息,数值模拟因物理过程和参数化的数值性质,对涡动结构描述需要验证,因此以物理实验对涡旋三维结构进行定量化诊断,有助于了解涡旋能量传输特征。本项目关注中尺度涡维持机制与内部结构,运用数值模拟和物理实验对比,卫星与观测资料统计验证,定量化认识涡旋的综合能量贡献。
中文关键词: 中国东部海域;中尺度涡旋;三维动力结构;维持机制;能量传输
英文摘要: Mesoscale eddies in china seas have received great concern as they hold large energy and keep actively interaction with around systems. The oceanic eddies play the important role to transfer the mass, heat, momentum and energy inside sea.They provide energy exchange with the other ocean systems which have different temporal and spacial scales. There are eddy motion and eddy shed from and imersal into currents in horizontal level, and there are convection and sensitive heat transfering between deep overturning and eddies, eddies and atmospheric systems at vertical directions. The magnitude of the energy being transferred and exchanged is huge,it is benefitted from the eddy maintaining. The generation mechanisms of eddy are various and their shapes are different,such as cone,bowl and column,etc. During the eddy energy transfering, the eddy shape keeping and function maintainning all depends on the eddy external force mechanism and internal dynamic restriction. It is necessary to study in detail that the quantitative and qualitative response each other between external and internal mechanisms of eddy maintaining. Satellite can provides the sea surface information, the description from numerical modelling is with some intrinsic limitation as its mathmatical features of physic process and parameterization.Thus
英文关键词: The yellow-East Seas of the Eastern China;Meso-scale Eddy;three Dimension Dynamic Structure;Maintainning mechanism;Energy transport