项目名称: 工作流实例方面的挖掘与优化方法研究
项目编号: No.61272063
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 刘建勋
作者单位: 湖南科技大学
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 针对工作流多实例之间存在的批处理关联约束关系可加以利用以提高业务系统的执行效率,我们已对工作流实例方面的模型和执行系统深入展开了研究工作。尽管这种工作流实例方面模型在实际应用中广泛存在,但有效发现并进行建模仍较困难。从工作流执行日志中挖掘出工作流模型是工作流管理研究领域中近期广受关注的方向。受此启发,本项目将研究利用数据挖掘与工作流挖掘的方法,从大量的业务过程执行历史中挖掘和发现工作流多实例之间存在的数据依赖关系,提取出工作流实例方面模型,挖掘实例方面处理规则,并研究基于工作流仿真的实例方面执行的决策规则及可自适应的实例方面执行性能优化方法。项目研究成果将为工作流实例方面建模以及实例方面执行优化提供理论与技术支持并服务于节约型社会建设的需求。
中文关键词: 工作流;实例方面处理;挖掘;优化;
英文摘要: When observing that the relationship and constraints between multiple workflow instances of the same workflow type can be utilized to enhance WfMS efficiency, we have investigated workflow instance aspect model and its' supporting system. Although workflow instance aspect model exists in reality widely and merits a lot in practice, it is still difficult to discover and model them as what is happened in traditional workflow. Mining workflow from business or WfMS logs becomes now an interesting and attractive research topic in workflow academic research domain. Enlightening by workflow mining method, this project will study mining of workflow instance aspect from business or WfMS logs as well as its optimization method. We will first utilize workflow mining and data mining method and technology to discover and mine the dependencies between multiple workflow instances of the same workflow type from business or WfMS logs. Then, from the dependencies discovered, we can discover the activities with instance aspect characteristics and build the workflow instance aspect model. We will also mine the decision rules and parameters which represent the execution knowledge of workflow instance aspect. Finally,the optimization, which is based on workflow simulation, of these decision rules and parameters of instance aspect mod
英文关键词: workflow;instance aspect handling;mining;optimization;