项目名称: 纳米TiO2微胶囊型缓蚀剂的制备及作用机理研究
项目编号: No.51272284
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 杜仕国
作者单位: 中国人民解放军军械工程学院
项目金额: 65万元
中文摘要: 为提高武器身管的耐烧蚀性能,设计微胶囊化的纳米TiO2前驱体作为火炮缓蚀剂,借助发射过程产生的高温高压环境将前驱体转变为纳米TiO2气溶胶,通过纳米微粒的表面特性实现抗烧蚀和裂纹修复功能。研究稳定、易于产生高质量气溶胶的纳米TiO2前驱体制备工艺,选择合适的胶囊材料,研究TiO2微胶囊化的制备工艺及形成机理,获得封闭性好、包覆率高的微胶囊。研究该缓蚀剂的理化性能、高低温性能以及与火药和可燃药筒等材料的相容性。探讨微胶囊型缓蚀添加剂对火炮内膛的缓蚀效果和缓蚀机理,为解决火炮身管烧蚀磨损问题,有效提高身管寿命提供理论支持和技术参考。
中文关键词: 身管;烧蚀;微胶囊;TiO2;前驱体
英文摘要: Microcapsules of nano TiO2 precursor are designed to reduce the erosion of gun barrel. The mcrocapsules are burnt during the firing process to produce nano TiO2 aerosol which acts as wear reducing agent. With the giant specific surface area the aerosol is apt to form thin film on the inner layer of gun barrel, which will reduce the gun barrel erosion and inhabit the growth of cracks. The preparation of nano TiO2 precursor will be explored to get stable precursou solution. Proper polymers will be chose as wall material, and the process and mechanism of nano TiO2 microcapsules will be studied to obtain reliable technology. The physicochemical propeties of the capsules will also be studied including the high and low temperture shock test and the consistency test with propellant and combustible case. The antierosion property and mechanism of the capsules will be investigated and the results will be the technical reference for a feasible method to reduce gun barrel wear.
英文关键词: Barrel;Erosion;Microcapsule;TiO2;precursor