项目名称: 绕射波成像与油气藏探测中的小尺度构造识别
项目编号: No.41330316
项目类型: 重点项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 张剑锋
作者单位: 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所
项目金额: 300万元
中文摘要: 发展单独对反射地震资料中的绕射波进行成像的方法,籍此解决油气勘探中的小尺度构造,如小断距断点,弱波阻抗差异的岩性油藏以及小尺度缝洞的识别问题,获得超过现行反射波成像方法的高分辨识别能力。研究工作包括小尺度构造的绕射波特征分析,绕射波分离与增强,绕射波偏移速度分析,针对不同储层特征(如断点、缝洞)的叠前绕射波成像方法,绕射波成像与反射波成像方法的结合与综合应用等。对弱绕射信号的成像能力决定了绕射波成像方法所能实现的分辨率;将重点解决存在复杂反射波时弱绕射信号的成像问题,形成针对深层断裂体系、碳酸盐岩和火山岩内幕及风化壳的系列绕射波成像方法。研究工作从新的角度提升了地震勘探技术的分辨率,为解决我国油气勘探,特别是深层碳酸盐岩和火山岩勘探面临的困难问题提供了新途径。研究工作将针对几类地质目标的实际地震资料开展,有望形成复杂油气藏勘探中储层和断裂高分辨成像和识别的新方法和核心技术。
中文关键词: 绕射波成像;高分辨;断裂;缝洞;油气勘探
英文摘要: We develop a diffraction imaging scheme that can image the diffractions contained in seismic reflection data, thus contributing significantly to detect small-scale structures, such as faults with small throw, lithologic reservoirs with low impedance contrasts, and small-scale fractures and cavities. A resolution beyond the conventional reflection imaging is then obtained. The research includes the characters of the diffractions caused by small-scale structures, separation and enhancement of diffractions, velocity analysis using diffractions, prestack diffraction imaging related to the different types of reservoirs (e.g., faults, fractures and cavities), and integrated application of the diffraction and reflection imaging. The imaging of weak diffractions will significantly contribute to the super-resolution of diffraction imaging. We therefore focus to the imaging of the weak diffractions contained in complicated reflection waves. As a result, the diffraction imaging schemes with respect to the detections of depth faults, details of carbonate and volcanic as well as weathering crust are obtained. The research improves the resolution of seismic imaging via a new route. This contributes to the reservoir prospecting in our country, especially for the seismic explorations in the depth carbonate and volcanic areas. We launch the research based on the real seismic data related to the different geologic characters. A new and key seismic exploration technique to ravel out the high-resolution imaging and detection of complex reservoirs and faults may be obtained.
英文关键词: Diffraction imaging;High-resolution;Faults;Fractures and cavities;Reservoir prospecting