项目名称: 超短脉冲电磁光束经介质散射的统计光学特性研究
项目编号: No.61275150
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 潘留占
作者单位: 洛阳师范学院
项目金额: 70万元
中文摘要: 光散射现象的统计光学特性研究是现代光学中备受关注的一个基础性学术研究课题。该项目拟采用非稳态场的相干理论和矩阵光学理论相结合的方法,研究超短脉冲电磁光束经介质散射的统计光学特性。建立矢量框架下超短脉冲电磁光束经介质散射的数学物理模型和理论处理方法;研究超短脉冲电磁光束经介质散射后相干度、偏振度和光谱强度等统计光学特性的演化规律;探讨散射场出现位相奇点及其附近产生光谱异常和光谱开关的条件;通过超短脉冲电磁光束经介质散射后场相干度、偏振分布和光谱强度的变化规律获取介质的信息,得到散射体和散射场的互易关系;揭示超短脉冲电磁光束与介质相互作用的物理机制,为探索超短脉冲电磁光束在材料探测、信息获取、光纤通讯、光学遥感、生物医学等领域中的新应用提供理论依据。
中文关键词: 超短脉冲电磁光束;随机介质;确定介质;散射;统计光学
英文摘要: Statistical optics properties of light scattering is a fundamental subject with wide concern in modern optics. In this project, with the use of the coherence theory of non-stationary light and the matrix optics theory, the statistical optics properties of ultrashort electromagnetic pulsed beams scattered by media are investigated. The mathematical physics model and treatment method of ultrashort electromagnetic pulsed beams scattered by media are founded in the framework of vector. The evolution of property of statistical optics of ultrashort electromagnetic pulsed beams scattered by media, such as coherence, polarization and spectrum, etc. is studied. The condition of spectral anomalies and spectral switches in the neighborhood of phase singularities in the scattered field of pulsed beams is discussed. The medium information and inherent relation between the scattered field and the scatterer are obtained by using the changes of coherence, polarization and spectrum of ultrashort electromagnetic pulsed beams scattered by media. The physical mechanism of the interaction between medium and ultrashort electromagnetic pulsed beam is revealed. The results obtained will provide theoretical support for exploring the new applications of ultrashort electromagnetic pulsed beams in material detection, information acquisiti
英文关键词: ultrashort electromagnetic pulsed beams;random medium;deterministic medium;scattering;statistical optics