项目名称: 公平偏好与生俱来吗?基于婴幼儿的发展神经机制研究
项目编号: No.31471073
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 神经、认识与心理学
项目作者: 吴燕
作者单位: 杭州师范大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 社会公平正义既是公民的普遍愿望和共同追求,也是多学科学者共同关注的学术问题。理论和大量实证研究证实,人类具有公平偏好和不公平厌恶倾向。这种公平偏好是否与生俱来?目前学术界对此尚存在较大争议。本项目拟采用静息态功能(fMRI)、弥散张量成像(DTI)、3D结构像、事件相关电位(EEG/ERP)等神经科学技术,以婴幼儿为实验对象,进行四年期纵向脑成像研究、五个年龄段(12个月、15个月、2岁、4岁、6岁)横断ERP研究、以及公平偏好的发展关键期(1岁左右)训练研究,从神经发展的角度,系统考察与公平偏好相关的神经活动机制,力图揭示公平加工相关脑区在人生前四年的神经发育变化、公平偏好相关脑电成分的年龄发展模式、以及公平偏好训练对1岁幼儿大脑可塑性的影响,以期丰富和完善有关公平加工的理论知识,为公平偏好的本质提供直接证据,深化对人本性的理解和认识,并为解释人类社会行为和制定公共政策提供依据。
中文关键词: 公平偏好;功能磁共振成像;发展神经机制;事件相关电位;训练
英文摘要: Fairness is of considerable importance to people and has been a hot issue of cross discipline study in the recent years. Extensive theoretical and empirical studies from the fields of behavioral economics and psychology game theory have indicated that people concern about fairness in monetary distribution rather than only pursue private profits. Is fairness preference innate to human nature? There exists huge debate on this topic in the literature. Our goal in this project is to attain more direct evidence on the degree to which human have innate sense of fairness. Toward that end, we designed a four-year longitudinal fMRI study, a five age group cross-sectional ERP experiment, and a fairness training study on critical age of 1-year-old. By these experiments, we aimed to detect the changes in neural activities in fairness associated brain regions, the age-related changes in fairness processing evoked brain potentials, and the modulation of fairness preference training on brain plasticity. This project sought to determine the neurodevelopmental trajectory of fairness preference, and could provide the direct evidence on the nature of fairness preference, help us to gain a better understanding about fairness processing and human nature, and have applications to social interactions in real life.
英文关键词: fairness preference;fMRI;neurodevelopment;ERP;training