项目名称: EAST装置上低杂波电流驱动对2/1新经典撕裂模的致稳研究
项目编号: No.11205196
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学II
项目作者: 杨永
作者单位: 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 新经典撕裂模(NTMs)已经成为先进托卡马克装置获得高性能等离子体的最大障碍之一,使用电流驱动的方法致稳NTMs是实验中的研究热点。本项目将在EAST装置上开展LHCD对m/n=2/1模式的新经典撕裂模的致稳研究。该研究将运用模糊控制理论设计低杂波功率和相位的协同调制模型,并在此模型的基础上联合相关的等离子体物理诊断系统建立一个易于扩展的2/1新经典撕裂模实验平台。针对EAST装置上不同参数的等离子体,本项目将利用该实验研究平台,通过改变低杂波的功率和相位,探索基于LHCD的对2/1新经典撕裂模的致稳方法。本项目将有助于理解LHCD 对2/1新经典撕裂模的致稳机制,有利于EAST装置高参数稳态运行。
中文关键词: 新经典撕裂模;低杂波电流驱动;相位调制;功率调制;
英文摘要: The instability of neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) has already become one of the principal limits on acquiring high performance plasmas in advanced tokamaks. The stabilization of NTMs with current drive is an active and important area of tokamak plasma experiments. This research will focus on the stabilization of m/n=2/1 NTM with lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) in EAST. The synergetic modulating model of LHCD power and phase will be designed using fuzzy control theory and a flexible 2/1 NTM experiment platform will be built based on this model and the relevant plasma diagnose systems. Aiming at the plasmas with different parameters in EAST, the application of LHCD for 2/1 NTM stabilization will be investigated by changing the lower hybrid wave's power and phase. This research will be helpful to understand the stabilization mechanism of 2/1 NTM using LHCD and will be useful to the steady-state operation of EAST tokamak with high parameters.
英文关键词: NTM;LHCD;Phase Modulation;Power Modulation;