项目名称: 异质网络的建模、同步分析与控制
项目编号: No.61203157
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 和望利
作者单位: 华东理工大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 本项目以异质网路为研究对象,重点挖掘网络的个体差异、团体差异以及实际网络通信中个体差异产生的影响,然后根据节点异质、耦合异质和团体异质分别对网络进行建模,在保留差异的前提下,设计异质网络的控制策略,使得网络实现实际意义下的同步。具体的研究内容包括:参数不匹配网络的拟同步和牵制控制、无线网络的状态估计和社团网络的广义同步。本项目试图真实的刻画现实网络,建立异质网络同步理论框架。该项目融合了复杂网络、图论、控制理论和无线通讯等多学科交叉技术与知识,不管是从复杂网络同步理论完善的角度,还是无线传感网络的应用角度来看,本项目都有重要的理论意义和广泛的应用前景。
中文关键词: 异质网络;拟同步;脉冲控制;牵制控制;通讯受限
英文摘要: This project mainly focuses on heterogeneous networks, in which individual diversity, group diversity and the influence of individual diversity in the real network communication are considered. Based on individual heterogeneity, coupling heterogeneity and group heterogeneity, the corresponding network models will be constructed respectively. Then several practical synchronization schemes will be achieved by applying control strategies for heterogeneous networks under the premise of maintaining heterogeneity. Specifically, this work includes: quasi-synchronization and pinning control over networks with parameter mismatches, state estimation of wireless sensor networks, generalized synchronization between community networks.The project aims at giving the realistic models of real-life networks and building the theoretical framework for synchronization of heterogeneous networks. It covers an integration of multi-disciplinary research areas, including complex network, graph theory, control theory and wireless communication, and has theoretical importance and broad applications from perspectives of both complex networks and wireless sensor networks.
英文关键词: Heterogeneous networks;Quasi-synchronization;Impulsive control;Pinning control;Constrained communication