项目名称: 确保网络化多机器人协同跟踪的实时通信条件研究
项目编号: No.61273112
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 凌强
作者单位: 中国科学技术大学
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 多自主体协同控制系统中,自主体间的通信对实现协同目的十分重要。本项目将该类系统的典型代表- - 多机器人协同跟踪系统作为对象,研究基于数字网络实现状态信息传输时的协同跟踪问题。状态传输网络由多条通信信道组成,每条信道的实时通信特性由其有限的通信带宽、丢包特性(丢包率、丢包模式及丢包确认)和时延特性来表征,这些信道的特性综合起来决定了整体传输网络的实时通信特性。本项目研究下列问题:1、整体网络的实时通信特性满足什么条件,才能实现全局协同跟踪(机器人间可能存在动态特性差异);2、在给定网络条件下,设计出能确保全局跟踪性能的多机器人的状态量化算法与局部控制算法;3、设计控制事件驱动的状态通信机制,即通过控制变量事件触发状态信息传输、在不损害系统跟踪性能的前提下降低通信数据量;4、开发仿真程序与实验平台来验证理论结果。本项目力求建立网络实时通信条件、机器人动态特性、协同跟踪性能相互间关系的理论框架。
中文关键词: 网络化多自主体系统;实时通信条件;协同跟踪;网络带宽;丢包
英文摘要: In a multi-agent cooperative control system, the communication between agents plays a critical role in the cooperation of multiple agents. This project considers a typical example of such systems, a cooperative tracking system of multiple robots, and studies the cooperative tracking problem where the state information is transmitted over digital networks. In such a system, the state transmission network is composed of multiple communication paths, whose real-time communication properties include communication bandwidth, dropout condition (the dropout rate, dropout pattern and dropout acknowledgement) and communication delay. These individual paths together determine the real-time communication properties of the overall state transmission network. This project investigates the following four problems. 1. What real-time communication condition should the overall network satisfy in order to achieve the cooperative tracking goal? Here the concerned multiple robots could be heterogeneous. 2. Under a given real-time network condition, design quantization and local control algorithms for these robots so that the desired overall cooperative tracking performance can be guaranteed. 3. Design a control event based communication policy, under which the transmission of states of robots are triggered by some control variables
英文关键词: Networked multi-agent systems;Real-time communication conditions;Cooperative tracking;network bandwidth;Dropout