项目名称: 句子语境下的语音加工的神经机制研究
项目编号: No.31271196
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 杨亦鸣
作者单位: 江苏师范大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 作为语言自然口语(语音)理解的脑机制是语言认知研究的核心问题之一。现有的语音加工神经机制的研究对象主要集中在孤立词甚至音节层面。然而理论及实验研究表明孤立的音节或语音片段的加工难以真正反映大脑中语言的语音(即含有不同层次语义单位的语音)加工的本来面貌。自然语境下真正意义的语音加工的脑机制问题远未解决。本项目拟设计、构建句子语境实验条件,以汉语和英语为语料,重点从跨文化的认知共性视角,通过系列神经电生理(ERPs)及行为心理实验,考察语境下大脑语音加工的时程、音段信息和超音段信息的加工、语境驱动与语音驱动加工等神经机理和过程问题。此外,还将通过对汉英两类语音脑认知加工机制的比较,来研究和探明文化差异是否存在相应的神经基础问题。本项目的研究不仅有助于探明自然语境下真正的语音的加工机制,而且能够为语音识别等应用技术真正走向实际应用提供有价值的思路。
中文关键词: 语音加工;句子语境;神经机制;时程;超音段信息
英文摘要: The twenty first century is acknowledged to be the century of brain science, and the cognitive study of human languages lies right on the very top of the list of research agenda in brain science. The comprehension capability of natural spoken languages are the essential issues in decoding the brain linguistic cognitive capacity. Nowadays research in the neuromechanism of speech processing focuses mostly on isolated words or even goes down further to the level of syllables. Yet linguistically speaking, isolated syllables or sound segments are not the speech in the true meaning, thus the targeted processing hardly reveals the authentic processing of speech in brain. The current research aims to construct an experimental context of sentences in Chinese and English respectively first, then apply high timing resolution ERP technology to examine the brain speech processing in context through a series of designed experiment. The mentioned timing order, the different roles of information of sound segments and super segments, and the mutual effects of context and sounds are major areas that will be probed into. Besides,we will examine the possible differenc of the two neural mechnism of processing of speech between Chinese English.The primary goal is to discover the neuromechanism for speech processing in natural languag
英文关键词: speech processing;context;neuromechanism;timing order;super segments