项目名称: 基于代谢组学方法的当归及其不同炮制品作用机理研究
项目编号: No.31272600
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 魏彦明
作者单位: 甘肃农业大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 本研究以中兽医药学理论及临床实践为依据,在"当归不同炮制品清除自由基和抗脂质过氧化作用"(30671541)和"当归不同炮制品药效改变的物质基础及其质量标准研究"(30972210)的工作基础上,以代谢组学为技术支撑,LC-MS、GC-MS分离分析检测方法为手段,结合临床药效学实验研究及整合前期对当归及其不同炮制品和不同部位化学指纹图谱的研究结果,从代谢网络的层次上阐明当归及其不同炮制品在中兽医临床治疗血虚、血瘀证和抗炎的作用机理。以此为传统中药炮制和中药作用机理及中药现代化研究提供一个模式,解决代谢组学与中药前期化学成分研究整合的问题,尝试运用人工智能技术分析几个不同层次的数据,得到更可靠的结论。
中文关键词: 当归炮制品;LC-MS;GC-MS;代谢组学;作用
英文摘要: In this study we will take the Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine theory and clinical practice as the basis,and based on the work of"Effect of different processing products of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels on scavenging free radical and antilipid peroxidation"(30671541) and "Study of different processed products of Angelica sinensis on pharmacodynamic change material foundation and the quality standard"( 30972210) ,with the metabolomics as technical support and LC-MS,GC-MS segregation analysis detection method,combined with clinical pharmacodynamics experimental study and integration of Radix Angelicae Sinensis and its processed products of different processing and different parts of chemical fingerprint results,from the metabolic network levels to elucidate the angelica and its different processed products in veterinary clinical treatment mechanism of blood deficiency,blood stasis and anti-inflammatory.As a traditional Chinese medicine processing and mechanism of action of traditional Chinese medicine and the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine to provide a model,solve the metabonomics and studies on the chemical constituents of Chinese early integration problem,try to apply artificial intelligence technology to analyze several different levels of data,resulting in more reliable conclusions.
英文关键词: Processed products of Angelica Sinensis;LC-MS;GC-MS;metabonomics;effect