项目名称: 需求与回收不确定环境下混合制造与再造系统的回收与生产协同优化
项目编号: No.71201169
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学与工程
项目作者: 石建迈
作者单位: 中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学
项目金额: 19万元
中文摘要: 由于环保法规、消费者环境意识和经济利益等多方面因素的推动,闭环供应链近些年来得到了迅速发展,很多高技术电子类产品的原始设备制造企业开始参与废旧产品的回收再造。本课题针对包含新产品制造和废旧产品回收再造两个并行流程的混合系统展开研究,分析需求不确定性以及废旧产品回收在数量、质量、地点和时间等方面不确定性的影响。在同时考虑需求和回收数量/质量/地点/时间不确定性条件下,分别建立混合制造与再造系统在不同情况下回收与生产协同优化的数学模型,分析模型的性质并开发模型的求解算法,以高技术电子类产品的混合制造与再造系统为例对相关模型和算法进行分析验证。
中文关键词: 闭环供应链;不确定性;再造;回收;
英文摘要: Due to government legislations, increased concerns on environment, and profit of product recovery, closed loop supply chain (CLSC) has received considerable attention and develops rapidly recent years. Many original equipment manufacuturers for high technology electronic products begin to recycle and ramnufacture used products. A classical hybrid manufacturing and remanufacturing system is investigated in this research, and the influence of uncertaities from demand and used product return on quantity, quality, location and timing is analyzed. The mathmatical models for optimizing the joint recycle and production decisions are developed under the consideration of uncertain demand and return on quantity, quality, location, and timing respectively. The properties of the presented models are analyzed, based on which their solusion algorithms are developed. Through a hybrid manufacturing and remanufacturing system for the high technology eletronic product, the models and algorithms are illustrated.
英文关键词: closed loop supply chain;unicertainty;remanufacturing;recycle;