项目名称: 低浓度二噁英对青鳉软骨细胞发育影响的研究与污染评价
项目编号: No.21267015
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 环境科学、安全科学
项目作者: 董武
作者单位: 内蒙古民族大学
项目金额: 50万元
中文摘要: 以二噁英为主的POPs物质(Persistent Organic Pollutants,持久性残留有机污染物质)是具有高残留性、广泛分布性和通过食物链引起的高生物蓄积毒性的持久性环境污染物质,其对人类健康,尤其是对水生动物子代构成了严重威胁。本课题使用小型鱼青鳉作为生物学模型,研究环境污染物质二噁英(PCDDs, PCDFs和PCBs)所引起形态学、组织学、免疫学以及基因毒理学变化,探讨二噁英对青鳉胚胎, 特别是软骨细胞发育的毒性机制,同时以化学分析法来检测二噁英类物质在青鳉体内的存留与代谢,进而通过上述研究来提炼出在实践中切实可行的生物学评价方法,从而克服化学分析方法的费用高,难度大的问题。为我国可持续发展提供一定依据。
中文关键词: 二恶英;斑马鱼;CYP1A;毒性;低浓度
英文摘要: Persistent organic pollutions (PoPs), including the Dioxin family, are known to resist degradation and persist in the environment and are shown to bioaccumulate through the food chain in aquatic systems. They pose a serious risk to health and posterity of aquatic animals and even humans as we consume these animals. We use the biology model Medaka to investigate toxicity of dioxin(PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs)at morphological, histological and immunological levels, and seek understanding of the underlying toxic mechanism by studying associated changes in expression of genes and proteins. With these endpoints, biomarkers for indicating Dioxin exposure and toxicity are established. These biomarkers can become effective means to assess risk of Dioxin in the environment to overcome the high costs and technical difficulty of chemical measurements of Dioxin. The final goal is to help better measurement and the promotion of the sustainable development of our country economy.
英文关键词: Dioxin;zebrafish;CYP1A;Toxicity;low concentration