项目名称: 页岩气储层核磁共振测井理论基础与响应机理研究
项目编号: No.U1262114
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 地球物理学和空间物理学
项目作者: 谢然红
作者单位: 中国石油大学(北京)
项目金额: 42万元
中文摘要: 核磁共振测井是一种有效的地下油气资源探测方法,已经得到石油工业界的广泛认可,较好地解决了复杂储层测井评价的许多疑难问题。但是页岩气储层特殊的流体赋存状态、纳米级孔隙、富含黏土矿物及顺磁性黄铁矿,使得现有的核磁共振测井理论和岩石物理实验方法面临许多挑战,纳米级孔隙中流体扩散表现为受限扩散、顺磁性矿物及微小孔隙造成页岩气储层核磁共振信号的急剧衰减、核磁共振响应特征不明确等是其基本科学问题。本申请围绕页岩气储层核磁共振测井的基本科学问题开展理论基础研究,试图从页岩气储层纳米孔隙尺度下数字岩心的构建、页岩气储层孔隙流体受限扩散机理、内部磁场梯度分布、以及页岩气储层核磁共振测井响应特征等四个方面开展研究,发展页岩气储层核磁共振测井新理论和新方法,推动非常规油气资源探测技术的进步。
中文关键词: 页岩气储层;核磁共振;数字岩心;受限扩散;内部磁场梯度
英文摘要: Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) logging is an effective method for detecting the underground oil and gas resources, it can better solve many problems of complex reservoir well logging evaluation, which has been widely recognized in the oil industry. But the special fluid occurrence state of shale gas reservoirs, nanometer pore, rich in clay minerals and paramagnetic pyrite make the existing NMR logging theory and petrophysics experimental methods facing many challenges. The fluid diffusion in nanometer pore shows restricted diffusion, paramagnetic minerals and micropores result in the dramatic decay of NMR signal in shale gas reservoirs, NMR response characteristics is not clear, these are the basic scientific problems. This application studies the theoretical foundation of NMR logging in shale gas reservoirs surrounding the above basic scientific issues. It attempts to solve these problems from four aspects: digital core construction in the nanometer pore scale, shale gas restricted diffusion mechanism, the distribution of internal magnetic field gradient and NMR logging response characteristics in shale gas reservoirs. This study tries to develop new theories and methods of NMR logging in the shale gas reservoirs to promote the progress of exploration technology in unconventional oil and gas reservoirs.
英文关键词: Shale gas reservoirs;NMR;Digital core;Restricted diffusion;Internal field gradient