项目名称: 表面等离激元的传播与调控研究
项目编号: No.11274004
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 李志鹏
作者单位: 首都师范大学
项目金额: 89万元
中文摘要: 表面等离激元光波导是纳米光子器件中必不可少的重要元件。纳米光波导一直是国际上的热点研究问题。在青年基金项目支持下,申请人已完成了纳米线波导中传播表面等离子体的发射方向、偏振态等研究,并实现了纳米光调制器、分光器及光逻辑回路,在纳米光子学领域取得了一定的成果,发表SCI文章15篇(第一作者6篇,通信2篇),包括Nano Lett.,Small,PRB等国际重要期刊,总引用超过百次。本课题在青年基金基础上,将研究对象拓展到纳米波导耦合体系,利用化学和物理的方法对纳米线形貌进行改性和修饰,实现对传播表面等离激元发射强度和偏振态等性质的调控。课题将重点解决光与纳米线波导、波导与波导之间的耦合效率问题,弄清波导与纳米颗粒天线、基底的耦合作用对远场发射和近场局域表面增强特性的影响。利用近场扫描显微镜,对复杂纳米线体系的近场光强和传播位相进行直接观察,为纳米光子器件的设计和制造奠定重要的实验基础。
中文关键词: 表面等离激元;纳米波导;纳米天线;量子效应;光镊
英文摘要: Plasmonic nano-waveguide is the key component to build nano-photonic devices, which draws intense interests of current research. Under the support of NSFC, several fundamental problems have been solved, such as, the emission direction and polarization of propagating surface plasmons in nanowires. Especially, the nanowire-based optical modulator, splitter and logic networks have been accomplished successfully. All these research achievements are considered to be exciting for future nanophotonic applications. Hence, in this project we focus to the system of nanowires coupled with nanoparticle antenna, substrates of different kinds. By reshaping the morphology of synthesized single crystal nanowires using chemical or physical micro fabrication methods, we will attempt to find the way to improve the efficiencies of excitation between light and nanowires, as well as coupling between nanowires each other. Further more, the interaction of nanowire with substrate can results in huge enhancement to the local field which could be used as the “hot site” of surface enhanced Raman scattering. The near-field scanning microscope will also be utilized to detect the distribution of near field intensity and propagating phase around the nano-waveguide. With the full investigation of surface plasmon properties in the far field and
英文关键词: surface plasmons;nanowaveguide;nanoantenna;quantum effect;optical tweezers