项目名称: 基于规则引擎的临床诊疗流程建模技术研究
项目编号: No.61202039
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 褚华
作者单位: 西安电子科技大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 针对目前我国医疗信息化水平较低、诊疗流程不规范、临床路径贯彻实施效果不佳的现状,借鉴已在传统行业中取得较大成效的业务流程管理(Business Process Management,BPM)的思想,本项目以临床诊疗流程为研究对象,以临床路径为理论指导,针对临床诊疗流程的复杂性、多样性以及诊疗规则的灵活性,提出了将临床路径分解为知识、规则和流程三部分,实现静态时对三者独立建模,动态时(即流程运行时)通过规则引擎实现知识与流程的动态关联的建模思想,使其具有更好地扩充性和可重用性。具体的研究内容包括:分析、提取临床路径中包含的临床诊疗知识,研究其获取方法和表达方法,建立诊疗知识模型;研究诊疗规则的抽取方法,设计描述诊疗规则的动态描述语言;设计临床诊疗规则库;研究临床诊疗流程的可视化定义机制,建立诊疗流程模型库;研究诊疗规则的解析算法,研究知识规、规则与流程的动态关联机制,设计并实现规则解析引擎。
中文关键词: 临床诊疗流程;临床路径;建模;规则引擎;业务流程管理
英文摘要: Medical negligence has been a key focus in healthcare. To normalize the clinical process, The National Institute Institutes of Health publishes a serials of clincal pathway. But it is not successful because of its complexity and papery. This project try to introduce the idea of Business Process Management(BPM) into the clinical process management. As clincal process been the objective, the main idea of this project is to put forward a kind of process modeling method accroding to clinical pathway. Because of the complexity and diversity of clinical proceses, as well as the flexibility of chinical rules, this project tries to separate a clincal process into three parts- - -clincal knowledge, rules and processes. Thus to implement the independence among these three parts while modeling and the dynamica connection when process running througn the rule engine. This work can make the clinical process model to be scalable and reuseable more easily. The more concrete research content are followings. First, to study the acquisition and representation method of clinical knowledge by analysis on and extraction from clincal pathways. Then to construct the model of clinincal knowledge. Second, to research on the extraction method of clinical ruels and design the dynamic rule description language. Then to design a database of
英文关键词: Clinical Processes;Clinical Pathway;Modeling;Rule Engine;Business Process Management