项目名称: 面向新型绿光发光器件的非极性InGaN量子点材料生长技术研究
项目编号: No.61504129
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 赵桂娟
作者单位: 中国科学院半导体研究所
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 非极性InGaN量子点材料具有缺陷密度低、In组分高、无极化效应等优点,在黄绿光区实现高效发光极具潜力。然而由于存在均匀性差及不可控制备等困难,非极性InGaN量子点材料研究还有很长的路要走。本项目采用InGaN/GaN弱键合层来调控非极性GaN模板的应力状态,通过应力诱导使非极性InGaN量子点材料按照Stranski–Krastanow模式自组织可控生长,并试制绿光波段非极性InGaN量子点LED器件。同时研究非极性InGaN量子点结构对发光性能的影响机理,揭示非极性InGaN量子点的量子限制效应和空间电荷限制效应。
中文关键词: 量子点材料;InGaN;非极性;绿光LEDs
英文摘要: Non-polar InGaN quantum dots (QDs) are expected to offer substantial advantages: very low defect density, high Indium content, no polarization effect, which have been suggested to be very promising candidates for efficient luminescence in yellow-green emission. However, due to the difficulty of growing InGaN QDs with controlled shape and uniform particle size, most of these advantages have not yet been proven in real devices. In this project, the introduced InGaN/GaN interlayers play a crucial role in controlling the stress states of the non-polar GaN template. Non-polar InGaN self-organized QDs can be grown in the Stranski–Krastanow mode upon the GaN template. Based on this, we will fabricate non-polar InGaN QD LEDs. At the same time, we will also investigate the effects of InGaN QDs size, shape and epitaxial growth conditions on the output performances of InGaN QD LEDs. The quantum confinement effect and the space charge limited effect of the non-polar InGaN QD LEDs will be uncovered.
英文关键词: Quantum Dots Materials;InGaN;Non-polar;Green LEDs