项目名称: 互联网新一代可靠域间路由算法研究
项目编号: No.61303243
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 梁伟
作者单位: 中国科学院计算技术研究所
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 互联网域间路由可靠性问题是当前工业界和研究界所关注的热点和难点问题之一,也是新一代互联网体系结构设计必须首先解决的关键问题之一。本课题通过分析当前互联网域间路由可靠性问题的本质原因,从路由安全性、稳定性和自愈性三个方面,研究新一代可靠的互联网域间路由算法。围绕域间路由运行过程展开研究:提出轻量级安全域间路由算法,通过在路由器出入口过滤器上实施安全规则检测和验证,以较小的计算和存储代价达到域间路由的安全目标;提出通用的稳定域间路由算法,通过在路由选择过程中识别并过滤路由变化根源,解决短暂和持续的路由震荡问题;提出有效避免路由环路的自愈域间路由算法,通过在路由表中引入结构化多路径,保证路由可用性并提高自愈能力。通过大规模仿真、原型研制和实际网络增量部署,验证算法的实用性。研究成果将为解决互联网域间路由的可靠性问题提供关键技术和工具原型,为演进式的下一代互联网域间路由研究提供理论和实证支持。
中文关键词: 路由;可靠性;域间;安全;异常
英文摘要: The reliability problem of the Internet inter-domain routing is one of the hot and challenging problems both in industry and academia. It is also one of the key issues to be addressed in the new generation Internet architecture design. This project tries to disentangle the root causes of the reliability problems in Internet inter-domain routing, and to study and develop new generation reliable Internet inter-domain routing algorithms from three key aspects, namely, routing security, stability and self-healing. We plan to investigate different stages of the current inter-domain routing process. Specifically, we first propose a lightweight secure inter-domain routing algorithm by enforcing security rule checking and verification on both the routers' inbound and outbound filters; then we propose a generalized and stable inter-domain routing algorithm against the transient as well as persistent routing oscillations by identifying and filtering the origin of routing changes; finally, we propose a self-healing inter-domain routing algorithm by installing structured multi-path in routing table, which effectively eliminates routing loops, guarantees routing availability and improves self-healing ability. These algorithms will be tested and evaluated through large-scale simulations, prototype development and incremental
英文关键词: routing;reliability;interdomain;security;anomaly