项目名称: 具有时延限制的大规模车载网络容量研究
项目编号: No.61301118
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 张光林
作者单位: 东华大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 随着家庭汽车的普及和汽车电子技术的发展,如何提高汽车的信息技术水平特别是汽车间的网络互联能力具有重要的应用前景。车载网络通信具有快速、高效等特点,在交通安全、效率管理和多媒体娱乐共享等方面具有重要应用。本项目主要研究具有时延限制的大规模无线车载网络容量。基于网络信息论的研究框架,利用随机几何图、随机动态规划等数学工具分析大规模车载网络的容量。首先,通过分析现有的实际车辆运动数据和运动特点建立车辆移动模型,分析时延限制下车辆均匀分布时车载网络的容量,并研究可达网络容量的路由方法和调度策略。然后,研究网络容量-时延的折中,分析车辆的异构分布对网络容量的影响,并给出定量分析。最后,探讨网络容量的增强技术,利用不同的物理层技术(如MIMO、网络编码、定向天线)和传输方式(单播、多播)分析网络的容量增益。本课题的预期研究结果可以加深对车载网络容量的理解,为大规模车载网络架构设计和应用提供理论指导。
中文关键词: 车联网;网络容量;时延;路由;调度
英文摘要: How to improve the information technology of vehicular networks especially the vehicular network connectivity will become an increasingly challenging issue, with the popularization of family cars and the development of vehicular electronic technologies. Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have the characteristics of high speed transmissions and efficient communications, and thus have been viewed as a promising approach for the vehicular applications such as traffic security, efficiency management, and multimedia sharing. In this project, we mainly focus on the capacity analysis of large scale VANETs with delay constraints. Based on the framework of network information theory, we analyze the capacity of large scale VANETs by using mathematical tools such as random geometry graph and stochastic dynamic programming. First, we analyze the characteristic of vehicular mobility patterns and the real vehicular mobility data, based on which we construct different vehicular mobility models. With the uniform distribution of vehicles, we investigate the network capacity of VANETs under different mobility models,and derive the capacity-achievable routing and the associated scheduling policy. Then, we study the capacity-delay tradeoff in VANETs,and quantify the impact of heterogeneous vehicle distributions on the capacity. Fi
英文关键词: Vehicular Networks;Network Capacity;Delay;Routing;Scheduling