项目名称: 抑郁症患者及一级亲属奖励与惩罚处理神经机制研究
项目编号: No.81501177
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 刘文华
作者单位: 广州医科大学
项目金额: 17.5万元
中文摘要: 快感缺失被认为是引起抑郁症疾病发作的高风险特征,并与大脑奖励处理异常有关,然而目前研究对于抑郁症快感缺失脑神经损害机制了解并不多;同时,很少有研究探讨患者一级家属这一高风险人群中是否存在这种关联损害。研究拟采用功能性核磁共振(fMRI)和事件相关电位(ERP)研究相结合方式,测量抑郁症快感缺失亚型患者和患者未发病一级亲属在奖惩活动中脑功能、电生理和行为损害特点,并评估这些损害是否预测一年后的疾病症状发展。研究预测快感缺失与负责编码负性激励价值的外侧缰核脑区活动相关,相关联的脑区损害在抑郁发展中起重要作用。研究有助于鉴别抑郁症的生物标记,对疾病早期诊断和预后干预有重要作用。
中文关键词: 抑郁症;期待型快感缺失;消费性快感缺失;功能性磁共振;事件相关电位
英文摘要: Anhedonia is associated with deficits in reward processing of the dopamine system, which may increase the risk of depression. Nevertheless, the neutral mechanism in relation to anhedonia is not well characterized. And surprisingly, reward-related disturbance in first-degree relatives of depression has received relatively little attention. In this study, we plan to use functional neuroimaging and computational modeling techniques measuring reward prediction processing in patients with major depression and their unaffected first-degree relatives, to explore the neural basis of trait anticipatory and consummatory anhedonia in these samples, and to assess the correlations between the specific neurocognitive abnormalities and their depressive symptoms developed during the next one year. We hypothesize that trait anhedonia is associated with abnormal Lateral habenula brain activity coding the negative motivational value, and baseline brain function change would predict the development of depression. This study will further our understanding of anhedonia and other reward-related constructs in depression, and facilitate the identification of the underlying pathophysiology associated with subtypes of major depressive disorder and the potential biomarkers for this disorder.
英文关键词: Depression;Anticipatory anhedonia;Consummatory anhedonia;fMRI;ERP