项目名称: 循环流化床锅炉担载型高效脱硫剂制备与脱硫原理研究
项目编号: No.51476089
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 能源与动力工程
项目作者: 由长福
作者单位: 清华大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 提高脱硫效率是目前循环流化床锅炉炉内脱硫过程面临的亟待解决难题。针对目前所存在的钙基脱硫剂利用率偏低的实际问题,本项目从所提出的担载型高效脱硫剂制备机理及其在炉内的流动、扩散与反应过程开展基础研究,对于深入认识炉内脱硫过程和获得高效脱硫方法具有重要的理论价值与实际意义。本项目将开展如下研究:1) 担载型脱硫剂制备过程中的表面物理化学影响机制;2)脱硫剂在炉内条件下的脱硫反应机理与模型;3)颗粒非均匀分布对脱硫过程传质与反应的影响规律;4)颗粒碰撞对脱硫剂磨耗特性的作用机理与模型;5) 操作条件对流化床锅炉脱硫反应过程的影响规律与优化方法。在适于循环流化床锅炉炉内脱硫的高效脱硫剂制备机理与应用基础研究方面有望获得原创性成果。
中文关键词: 循环流化床锅炉;脱硫;脱硫剂制备;担载体;气固多相流
英文摘要: Increasing the desulfurization efficiency has been becoming a serious problem for the desulfurization process in the furnace of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler (CFBB) with calcium-based sorbent. To solve the current engineering problems such as low calcium utility rate, the sorbent preparation process and the particle flow and diffusion process in the furnace will be thoroughly investigated. This research has important theoretical and practical value. The research contents: 1) Interfacial phenomena and science in sorbent preparation process with adhesive carrier particles. 2) Reactive characteristics and model of the sorbent sulfation. 3) Effect of nonuniform particle distribution on the sorbent sulfation. 4) Sorbent abrasion characteristics and model during the particles interaction. 5) Desulfurization performance and optimum design of the real CFBB with the developed sorbent. The proposal provides theories and guidelines for improving the CFBB desulfurization performance in the furnace.
英文关键词: CFB Boiler;Desulfurization;Sorben Preparation;Adhesive Carrier Particle;Gas-Particle Multiphase Flow